Leadership Opportunities Abound
Whether you’re an energetic Greenhand or a high school junior looking to step up your leaderhip game before graduation, Missouri FFA has two exciting opportunities for you.
Applications for HYMAX and HYPE leadership programs are both due March 1.

HYMAX — JUNE 15-17, 2018: Application due March 1, 2018
Helping Youth Maximize their Agricultural eXperience (HYMAX) 2018
Missouri FFA Agricultural Leadership Freshmen Academy
Click Here for Online Application
Are you a future leader in Agriculture, FFA, and your community? If you answered YES, the HYMAX Academy is for you! HYMAX is a youth leadership conference designed for promising ninth grade students to reach their full potential! These FFA members will be prepared for future leadership roles, agricultural career exploration, and advocacy for agriculture. In addition, you will gain key strategies for SAE development, written and verbal communication skills, and career development. Most importantly, you will bring home tools to help you and your chapter achieve greater success!
The HYMAX will further motivate Agricultural Education freshmen students during a weekend-long leadership conference. It will provide a foundation in agricultural leadership and prepare you to embrace agricultural and leadership opportunities throughout your high school career.
In 2018, the top FFA Greenhands (up to a maximum of 100 students) will be selected to participate in HYMAX through a competitive written application process. Advisors may nominate up to FOUR students (two girls and two boys) per chapter. Students need to submit a written application, academic transcript, and two letters of recommendation. One of the two letters must be from your Agricultural Education Teacher/FFA Advisor and the second from a community leader that knows you and your leadership experience. Academy members will experience this innovative agricultural leadership academy at the Missouri FFA Camp Rising Sun at the Lake of the Ozarks, June 15-17, 2018. A participant fee of $30 will provide lodging, meals, leadership materials, and Academy T-Shirt.
All applications must be submitted to the Missouri FFA office by March 1, 2018. There are five parts to the written application: 1) information and signatures, 2) student narratives, 3) Ag Educator/FFA Advisor recommendation, 4) community leader recommendation, and 5) high school academic transcript. Please make sure that the information is correct on the applications, especially e-mail address. Students will be contacted prior to attending HYMAX using this e-mail address.
- FFA members will be notified of selection by April 2, 2018.
- Registration fee will be due by May 15, 2018.
Sponsored by the Missouri Corn Checkoff
June 26-28, 2018
Application Due March 1, 2018
Are you a future leader in agriculture, FFA and your community?
Are you ready to be an active member of the agricultural community and tell the agriculture story? If you answered YES, the HYPE Academy is for you! HYPE is a youth leadership conference designed to challenge and equip the
TOP 30 incoming high school senior FFA members to be advocates for agriculture.
What is HYPE?
These 30 FFA members will receive hands‐on experiences to prepare them to communicate, lead and advocate for the agricultural Industry. In addition, you will gain strategies to continue strengthening your knowledge base in agricultural issues, sharpen your written and verbal communication skills and spark potential career interests.
Most importantly, you will bring home tools to help you and other members in your FFA chapter tell the agriculture story!
When, Where, and Why HYPE?
The HYPE Academy will challenge 30 Agricultural Education students during an intensive three‐day academy June 26‐28, 2018. Held at the University of Missouri‐Columbia, HYPE will build on other important FFA leadership conferences you have participated in up to this point. Expect this leadership experience to be a hands‐on, engaging academy that will provide you skills to communicate, lead and advocate for the agricultural industry.
How do you Apply?
In 2018, the top 30 entering high school seniors in 2018‐19 will be selected to participate in HYPE through a competitive written application process. Students need to submit a written application with five narrative responses, academic transcript, FFA member activity form, and three letters of recommendation. One letter must be from your Agricultural Education Teacher/FFA Advisor, the second from a school administrator (superintendent or principal), and the third from a community leader that knowsyou and your leadership experience.
All applications must be submitted to the Missouri FFA office no later than March 1, 2018.
There are six parts to the written application: 1) information and signatures, 2) student narratives, 3) Ag Educator/FFA Advisor recommendation, 4) community leader recommendation, 5) FFA member activity form and 6) high school academic transcript.
Please make sure that the information is correcton the application. Students will be contacted prior to attending The HYPE Academy using submitted e‐mail address. FFA members will be notified of selection by April 2, 2018.