What If

Officer - Mackenzie Porter

“What if I don’t like it?” 


These were my exact thoughts four years ago when I started my freshman year of high school as the “new kid.” The summer before my freshman year, my family moved to the town of Archie, Missouri. I was super excited to move and have the opportunity to join FFA, but I was also nervous to leave my old life, just to hopefully like what Archie had to offer. 


As August rolled around, I started to dread the first day of school. What if I hated it? What if I wanted to move back? 


Finally, the first day of school arrived. I remember going to most of my classes, but I’ll never forget the moment when I walked into my Introduction to Agriculture class. I was greeted by my advisor, who instantly started pestering me with questions about my life and why I had moved to Archie. He asked me why I joined FFA and what I hoped to get out of our organization. He talked about different opportunities within the organization.


I was hesitant at first. I was too scared of not liking Archie, and I was too nervous to absorb everything that he was saying. I let my what-if thoughts get the best of me, and I wasn’t too sure how my time in the FFA would progress. Of course, I later realized that FFA made me feel at home, but it took me a while to realize that, and I hadn’t been getting the most out of my class. 


As you start this crazy school year, remember to always look on the bright side of things and be sure to get the most out of what you are doing. Whether this is your first year at a brand new school or you’ve been at the same school your entire life, I encourage you to give this year everything you have. Try something new, listen to your advisor, don’t be afraid to forget your what-if thoughts. When you do, great things are bound to happen. 

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