Lilly Weber
Apr 05 2024

Showers Bring Flowers

Lily Weber

We have all heard the old saying, “April showers bring May flowers.”

 While I’m writing this I am currently listening to rain pour down outside my house. I know rain will help the many acres that farmers have planted, the pastures on our farms and ranches, and my favorite wild flowers grow. My father has always told me that everything needs rain to grow. While this is true for all vegetation, the same can be accurate about our lives. Sometimes we struggle with a decision, a situation or the outcome of an event. It is that struggle that allows us to grow and helps us turn into the person we were meant to be. 


I’m not always a fan of the rain. When I’m having a bad day, I can not wait for it to be over. I will go to bed early just so I can have a fresh start sooner the next day. Still, sometimes bad days turn into a bad week. When this happens, we must learn to embrace the rain by dancing in it. We might not always understand the rain and the storms that can come with it, but we need to remember that everything happens for a reason and that there are better days to come. 


 We are like plants and need the rain to help us grow. The April shower can bring beautiful May flowers. After struggles and hard times, we get to take in the beauty of what we have been through and the strength that we have. I have learned that rain will provide the necessary supplies to grow a bountiful harvest. I encourage you to embrace the showers so you can embrace the beauty in every flower you see. 

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