Share Your Passion

Chad Laxton

Chad Laxton, VP

As FFA members, we believe in the future of agriculture. We believe American agriculture can and will hold true to the best traditions of our national life and that we can exert an influence in our homes and communities which will stand solid for our part in that inspiring task. The last paragraph of the FFA Creed states we have confidence in American agriculture and we can assist in the strengthening of the industry. We can guide our industry and spread the word of agriculture in several ways, one of them is through public speaking.


Throughout the second week of June, I had the opportunity to attend Public Speaking Academy along with my fellow teammates and 65 members from across the state! This was an exciting and informative time, allowing members to utilize their voice and personal experiences to advocate for the agriculture industry. Throughout the two days, individuals from respective divisions practiced speech content, developed organization, and presented through effective delivery. As I facilitated the process, I soon became impressed by the passion and ability of Missouri FFA members!


When we apply our voices and share the message of agriculture with the passion and strength we all possess, we gain the ability to make a difference. Today’s population is three generations removed from farming, therefore those who have a connection to the farm must take the opportunity to inform others. FFA members, share your passion and livelihood with the world and make a difference!

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