Walk With Purpose

Elizabeth Knipp, VP

Elizabeth Knipp, VP

“Walk with purpose!” This statement has become engrained in my head ever since I spent a week in Washington, D.C. with over 200 FFA members from across the country for the Washington Leadership Conference (WLC) this past summer. When we began traveling in the city, every member who was attending the conference had to remain vigilant in making sure they stayed within designated groups so someone did not get lost in the bustle of our nation’s capital city. Our group leaders could often be heard yelling, ‘walk with purpose” to ensure we arrived at our destinations safely and did not stray from our path because of distractions presented along the way. Through their reminders, we were able to use this statement as a guide in achieving our goals. As the awaited summer months have arrived, I am reminded of how we can use the phrase “walk with purpose’ and opportunities FFA provides to remain on target with our tasks at hand.


Sometime our plans and goals become clouded because we lose sight of the purpose we have set to achieve. This can be due to setbacks or obstacles which form in our path. However, if we clearly define our gals and ambitions, we will continue to walk with a purpose. Whether by preparing a speech during the Public Speaking Academy or starting a conversation with a peer at FFA Camp, let all actions have a meaningful purpose to ensure you reach your destination during these summer months!

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