Noah Graham, Vice President

VP 2023-2024

Email Noah Graham

Clearwater FFA


Patterson, Missouri


University of Missouri


Agricultural Systems Technology

Noah Graham
SAE Project:

My SAE consists of raising livestock. I have a herd of Angus beef cattle that I manage and market the feeder cattle to Graham Farms each year. Along with my cattle ownership project, I also do custom farm work such as wrapping hay and bush hogging. A final part of my SAE is working on my family’s farm.

What motivated you to want to become a Missouri FFA officer?

I wanted to serve as a Missouri FFA Officer to inspire younger members through my leadership and involvement in the organization.. I also wanted to do my part in advocating for agriculture, and I felt that this position would enable me to do so, and specifically advocate for young adults.

What legacy do you most want to leave with Missouri FFA members during your year of service?

The legacy I would most like to leave with Missouri FFA members is that it doesn’t matter how high the odds are stacked against you. What does matter is how you respond to those difficult situations and circumstances. When you get knocked down, get back up. One of my favorite quotes sums up the legacy I want to leave. “It’s your reaction to adversity, not adversity itself that determines how your life’s story will develop.” ~ Dieter F. Uchtdorf

What are your plans for the future?

My plans for the future are to attend the University of Missouri- Columbia. While at MU, I plan to pursue a degree in Agriculture Systems Technology. After graduating from college, I hope to return to my family farm and implement the new technology and agricultural methods that I learned through my college education. My ultimate goal is to make my farm as efficient as possible so I can do my part in making our world a better place for future generations.

What is something unique or interesting that few people know about you?

Something interesting that few people know about me is that I don’t like chocolate. I have no idea why, but the taste of it has always been something I dislike.

Advice to FFA Members

If I could give one piece of advice to FFA Members it would be to do your best at whatever endeavors you pursue. Hard work will always pay off. The results might not immediately become evident, but trust the process, and there is a certain reassurance in knowing that you gave it all that you had.