Gabriel Todd, Vice President

VP 2023-2024

Email Gabriel Todd

Norwood FFA


Mountain Grove, Missouri


University of Missouri – Columbia


Agribusiness Public Policy

Gabriel Todd
SAE Project:

My SAE consists of three elements. My first SAE started with a small herd of goats. My second SAE consists of a small swine herd for both showing and market. Finally, I work at a local creamery where we bottle milk in glass bottles.

What motivated you to want to become a Missouri FFA officer?

My inspiration behind running for office was mainly to give back to the organization that has done so much for me. I think a large factor that will set me apart from other officers is my start in FFA. I started as a naive freshman who did not know what FFA was even about. I had heard that my dad and grandpa were in it and that inspired me to pursue it. I had no idea how large FFA or agriculture was. I also have never lived on a farm and had only occasionally visited my grandparents farm. I am so glad that I will have the chance to reach other members who may not know much about FFA and show them the many opportunities that I was given. I hope my service will inspire other members, who may be like I was, to find the opportunities that the FFA provides its members. 

What legacy do you most want to leave with Missouri FFA members during your year of service?

The legacy that I want to leave Missouri FFA members this year is that inexperience does not define you. Just because you do not understand or know about something now does not prohibit you from finding it later. I believe that the first part of our motto illustrates this clearly. Learning to do, doing to learn. Just because you do not know it now does not mean that you cannot take the time to understand it for the future. 

What are your plans for the future?

My current goals are to get a degree in agribusiness public policy degree in 2-3 years. I then plan to get a law degree in another 2-3 years. After my education, I want to find a local job in my county, hopefully with Farm Bureau, MFA, or another agricultural business. Finally, I plan to run for state representative in 2032. There, I plan to pass agricultural bills to help further the support of agriculture. I will continue to run for offices with my main goal being the U.S. Senate.

What is something unique or interesting that few people know about you?

The first thing that comes to mind is that I am a licensed minister. That means that I can perform a host of ceremonies including marriage. Much like the three of us were all in FFA, my grandfather, dad and I are all ministers as well. 

Advice to FFA Members

There is so much advice I have for members this year, but if I were to choose one, it would be to take every opportunity you have. Doing so is worth the effort.