Missouri Secondary Programs of Agriculture And The Missouri FFA Association
This Career Development Events Handbook represents a comprehensive revision of the rules and guidelines for the State Agriculture/FFA Leadership Career Development Events for the years 2024 – 2026. Special recognition is due to the 2023-2024 MVATA (Missouri Vocational Agriculture Teacher Association) FFA Relations – Contest Advisory Committee who provided many useful recommendations and suggestions to improve the Career Development Events. Sincere appreciation is also expressed to the superintendents for their suggestions and for the time and effort expended to plan, organize, and conduct Career Development Events activities in a professional manner.
Updates to the Handbook were made finalized in October 2024. These revisions reflect efforts to make the Handbook understandable and usable. Special thanks to Heather Eberlin and other faculty of the University of Missouri serving as State CDE Superintendents for their input and efforts.
Jim Spencer Jr., Supervisor
Agricultural Education
Missouri Department of Elementary & Secondary Education
Matt Hart, FFA Relations Chair
Holister High School
Hollister, Missouri
The State Agriculture/FFA Leadership Career Development Events are planned and conducted to motivate students to learn more about the industry of agriculture. Each state event is designed to assess student knowledge and skills in a particular subject area and to recognize students who demonstrate superior achievement.
Each of the state Career Development Events is intended to reflect a portion of the curricula that is taught in secondary agriculture courses throughout the state. Therefore, Career Development Events may be used as a motivational approach to encourage student learning.
This Career Development Events Handbook has been produced to assist teachers in preparing students to participate in the State Agriculture/FFA Leadership Career Development Events.
Please review the guidelines and materials carefully.
Heather Eberlin, State CDE Coordinator
Department of Agricultural Education
University of Missouri-Columbia
Columbia, Missouri
Keith Dietzschold, Director
Agricultural Education Section
Missouri Department of Elementary & Secondary Education
Jefferson City, Missouri
Documents most recently updated are noted below.
To access most recent file, please see area of study below.