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Dec 22 2023

2023 MO Sheep Producers State Public Speaking Contest Results

The 2023 Missouri Sheep Producers State FFA Speaking contest was held at Margaritaville Resort on Sunday December 3rd.  Ed DeOrnellis, chairman of the event said, “The contest is designed to develop individual public speaking skills and to promote interest in and awareness of the many different aspects of the sheep industry.”  Participants earned the right to compete at the state contest by winning their respective district competitions.


District winners are, Central – Katherine Rohrbach – California FFA, Southeast – Cara Fulmer – Perryville FFA and Northwest – Hadley Cline – Jefferson FFA.   Results of the competition were as follows; First Place – Isabella Collins – Aurora FFA, Second Place – Marah Greiman – Monroe City FFA, Third Place – Hallie Rider  – Belle FFA.  Christy Green, MSP Executive Director, presented each of the participants with a plaque and a check from MSP.  Pictured from left to right are Christy Green, Isabella Collins, Marah Greiman, Hallie Rider, Hadley Cline, Cara Fulmer and Katherine Rohrbach.

2023 MO Sheep Producers Public Speaking Contest Results
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Aug 22 2023

2023 Soy Innovation Challenge

The Soy Innovation Challenge, brought to you by Missouri Soybean Merchandising Council (MSMC), aims to engage Missouri FFA members in creating valuable and engaging exhibits and ideas based on the soy value chain. Students will be tasked to plan and design a soy-focused agricultural education mobile classroom via the MSMC-purchased school bus. Students will develop an understanding of the uses of soy that are utilized in everyday products, by curating what this bus looks like, both on the inside and out. Exhibiting the uses of soy is essential to the development of soy markets that benefit farmers.

Click to View Details

Click to View Submission Form

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Mar 06 2023

Governor Mike Parson Proclaims National FFA Week in Missouri

The Governor and Lieutenant Governor drove tractors to work in honor of FFA Week.


On behalf of nearly 26,000 members of Missouri FFA, Governor Mike Parson proclaimed Feb. 18-25, 2023, to be National FFA Week in Missouri.


“Missouri’s agriculture industry depends on our young people taking the lead,” Governor Mike Parson said. “We’re proud to see such leadership displayed in Missouri FFA members each time we meet with them. For the First Lady and I, living the agricultural way of life is our American Dream, and we appreciate all that our Missouri FFA members do to preserve that legacy and tradition for the next generations.”


For the fifth year in a row, Gov. Parson drove a John Deere tractor to the Capitol in honor of the FFA tradition of students driving their tractor to school during National FFA Week. Lieutenant Governor Mike Kehoe joined in on the tradition again this year, demonstrating his ties to agriculture and commitment to FFA students. Missouri FFA President Colton Roy, from the Trenton FFA Chapter, received the proclamation on behalf of the 2022-2023 Missouri FFA State Officer team.


“Missouri FFA members have access to incredible opportunities to learn and grow,” Lt. Governor Mike Kehoe said. “As a first-generation farmer, I am proud to celebrate the future of Missouri agriculture with our next generation of leaders during National FFA Week in Missouri. It’s important we continue traditions, such as today’s event, to showcase our support of agricultural youth organizations.”


In 1928, 33 young men met at the Baltimore Hotel in Kansas City, Mo., and began the National Future Farmers of America Organization (FFA). Today, the organization’s official name is the National FFA Organization, which 95 years later is represented locally by 8,995 FFA chapters and 850,823 members nationwide.


“The passion FFA members possess is indescribable,” Director of Agriculture Chris Chinn said. “Their excitement for the future of agriculture is reassuring. I’m confident Missouri FFA members will help the Missouri agriculture industry soar to new heights in the years to come, and I’m proud to stand alongside them as they do so.”


Missouri FFA continues to help the next generation rise up to meet the challenges of feeding a growing population by helping its members to develop their own unique talents and explore their interests in a broad range of career pathways through their experiences in agricultural education. Missouri is home to more than 356 chapters and 25,677 members, ranking the eighth highest in the nation for membership.


“Missouri schools work to provide students with access to opportunities, and FFA does just that,” said Commissioner of Elementary and Secondary Education Margie Vandeven. “FFA has a rich history of helping students develop their skills and the attributes needed to be ready for their chosen path to success. We are proud of our students and the FFA Advisors who lead alongside them each day.”

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Feb 10 2023 supports the Missouri FFA Foundation

The Missouri FFA Foundation and partner to improve agriculture education classrooms

In 2022, the Missouri FFA Foundation launched the Learning by Doing Classroom Grants’ program to assist agriculture education teachers across the state in improving the curriculum, equipment, facilities, and supplies needed to support instruction in production agriculture, agri-business, or related areas. The response to the program was enthusiastic with almost twice the number of applications as funding available. “We saw a clearly demonstrated need to not only continue but broaden the program if the challenge of adequate funding could be resolved,” said Heather Dimitt-Fletcher, Executive Director.


Late last fall, the Missouri FFA Foundation received a call from Dan Harbeke, Head of Public Policy and External Affairs with Google. His company was looking for an avenue to provide resources to youth throughout Missouri, in a way that also fit with the company’s mission. He saw potential in the foundation’s Learning by Doing Classroom Grants’ program but wanted to learn more about it. During this conversation, Dimitt-Fletcher shared multiple stories with Harbeke where the classroom grants could support technology in agriculture education classes, including an ultrasound machine for monitoring pregnancies in livestock, energy efficient water and heat controls for green houses, and 3-D printers for making hard to find/fit parts in ag mechanics classes. After their conversation, Harbeke was pleased to share that would be making a $50,000 donation to the Missouri FFA Foundation in support of the Learning by Doing Classroom grants program.


The Missouri FFA Foundation plans to distribute the $50,000 from over the course of four years to support the purchase of new or update of existing technology in agriculture education classrooms.  It’s anticipated 40 classroom grants will be possible due to the generosity of

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Nov 29 2022

2023 Public Speaking Institute

Saturday January 7, 2023 – Springfield

9AM – 3:30PM at the MSU Darr Ag Center

Saturday January 21, 2023 – Columbia

9AM – 3:30PM at the Bradford Research Farm

 Former national FFA officer and speech trainer, Andrew McCea, will lead this event to help FFA members of all levels improve their speaking skills and prepare for the LDE season.  State FFA officers will also provide insights on specific speaking LDEs.  This is the perfect place for FFA members to…

Improve public speaking skills

Get tips and prepare for FFA Speaking Contests

Learn to become an Advocate for Agriculture

Have fun and learn the essentials to better speaking!

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Oct 04 2022

2022 National Finalists

  • Ag Communications-Columbia
  • Ag Issues Forum-Paris
  • Ag Sales – Troy
  • Ag Mechanics – North Shelby
  • Agronomy – North Shelby
  • Conduct of Meetings – North Shelby
  • Creed – Kaden Pham – Pierce City
  • Dairy Cattle – Butler
  • Dairy Handlers – Addison Tharp-Republic
  • Employment Skills – Gavin King-Pierce City
  • Extemp Speaking – Hannah Rice – Brunswick
  • Farm Business Mgt – Palmyra
  • Floriculture – North Callaway
  • Food Science – Monroe City
  • Forestry – Forsyth
  • Horse – Clinton
  • Livestock – Fair Grove
  • Meats – Bowling Green
  • Milk Quality – Halfway
  • Nursery/Landscape – Van-Far
  • Parliamentary – Troy
  • Poultry – Columbia
  • Public Speaking – Owen Neeley – Lockwood


Animal Systems – Division 3 – Abigail Burns-Gallatin

Environ Services/NRS – Division 3 – Jonah Visser – Tuscumbia

Food Products – Division 3 – Brooklyn Pendleton – Tuscumbia

Food Products – Division 5 – Spencer Vossler – Crest Ridge

Food Products – Division 6 – Lorelai Myers/Clara Smith-Pleasant Hope

Plant Systems – Division 3 – Colin Stokes-Tuscumbia


35 Three Star Chapters — Highest award for a chapter
Premier Chapter: Building Communities Finalist –Blue Springs

  • 582 American Degree Recipients – #1 in number recipients
  • National Officer Candidate – Colin Wilburn
  • 13 National Delegates
  • 3 National Talent Performers   
    • Easton Beezley – Ozark
    • Kennedy Parrish – Green City
    • Coy Stephan – Appleton City
  • 5 National Chorus Member
    Anna Barnes, Monroe City; Elias McKinley, Warrensburg; Sophia Mudd, Monroe City; Autumn Olejniczak, Smithton; Logan Petree, Tipton
  • 14 National Band Members
    Noelle Abend, Rich Hill; Dakota Forrester, Eldon; Taryn Fuemmeler, Glasgow; Juana Arely Gonzalez, Brunswick; Leah Guss, Warrenton; Cora Johnson, Montgomery County R-II; Doralynn Lee, Warrenton; Ashley Morsbach, Plattsburg; Austin Rush, Eldon; Hayden Schapeler, Rich Hill; Tinley Schneider, Macon; Carissa Simagna, Aurora; Brittney Simagna, Aurora; Corbin Woodall, Silex
  • 2 Teachers receiving Honorary American Degree
    Sherry Byram, Owensville, MO; Sarah Peterson, Mansfield, MO
  • 7 Individuals receiving Honorary American Degree
    Dave Baker, Columbia, MO;  The Late Edward Hager, Eugene, MO;  Eddie Sydenstricker, Mexico, MO; Aimee Hood, Mindy McDermott, Conner McKenzie
  • Hall of States – Centralia FFA
  • National FFA Delegate Committee Chairman –
    Colton Roy, State President will serve as the National Committee Chairs for the Agricultural Education Delivery Empowerment Committee.
  1. Agricultural Education – Emily Hoyt – Audrain Co. R-VI
  2. Mechanics Repair & Maintenance—Trentin Doss-East Buchanan
  3. Agricultural Sales – Entrepreneurship – Annamarie Stone –Centralia
  4. Beef Production – Placement – Jack Peterson-Carrollton Area Career Center
  5. Dairy Production-Entrepreneurship—Lila Wantland-Niangua
  6. Diversified Prod. – Entrepreneurship/Placement—Justin Duenke-Audrain Co. R-VI
  7. Diversified Crop Production – Placement – Corbin Sampson-Kirksville
  8. Diversified Horticulture Production – Entrepreneurship/Placement—Trenton Jones-Higginsville
  9. Equine Science Entrepreneurship –Jaron Thebeau-Mexico
  10. Equine Science Placement –Dylan Ellis-East Buchanan
  11. Fruit Production- Entrepreneurship/Placement—Tyler Hilgedick-Ashland
  12. Grain Production- Entrepreneurship/ Placement—Michael Dierking –Santa Fe
  13. Service Learning – Miranda Patterson-South Shelby
  14. Small Animal Production and Care- Entrepreneurship/Placement – Benjamin Byrd-Troy
  15. Swine Production-Placement –Colby Ruether-Troy
  16. Turf Grass Management- Entrepreneurship/Placement-Wayland Mckenzie-Boonville
  17. Wildlife Production and Management-Trent Dowell-Gallatin
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Dec 16 2021

2022 Greenhand Motivational Conferences

Date Location Times Area
January 3 Lincoln University-Richardson Aud. 9:00 A.M.  Registration and Pictures 8
January 4 UMC-Natural Resources Aud. 9:00 A.M.  Registration and Pictures 4
January 4 Bowling Green High School 4:00 P.M.  Registration and Pictures 5
January 4 Mo State Fair-Lowell Mohler Hall 9:00 A.M.  Registration and Pictures 6
January 4 Mo State Fair-Lowell Mohler Hall 12:00 P.M.  Registration and Pictures 7
January 4 Waynesville Career Center 2:00 P.M.  Registration and Pictures 13
January 4 Sullivan High School 8:30 A.M.  Registration and Pictures 14
January 5 Truman-Baldwin Audi. 9:30 A.M.  Registration and Pictures 3
January 5 Darr  Ag Center–MSU 12:00 P.M.  Registration and Pictures 9
January 5 Darr  Ag Center–MSU 9:00 A.M.  Registration and Pictures 10
January 5 West Plains Civic Ctr.-MSU 8:30 A.M.  Registration and Pictures 13
January 5 Tinnen Ctr-Three Rivers Comm. College 2:30 P.M.  Registration and Pictures 16
January 6 Ketcham Community Ctr-NCMC 8:00 A.M.  Registration and Pictures 2
January 6 Darr  Ag Center–MSU 12:00 P.M.  Registration and Pictures 11
January 6 Darr  Ag Center–MSU 9:00 A.M.  Registration and Pictures 12
January 6 University Center-SEMO 8:30 A.M.  Registration and Pictures 15
January 7 MO Western St. College Theater 8:30 A.M.  Registration and Pictures 1
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Dec 10 2021

FCS Financial Awards $25,000 in honor of 25,000 FFA members on #GivingTuesday

Missouri is home to approximately 25,000 current FFA members. FCS Financial sees the leadership skills and agriculture education these students are developing. This is why on #GivingTuesday, FCS Financial is donating $25,000, $1 per FFA member, to the newly formed Missouri FFA Foundation.


More than 60 FCS Financial staff members served as local, area, district or state FFA officers. FFA formed the leadership skills and foundation that many of our staff members rely on today to complete their jobs assisting Missouri’s farmers and ranchers.


“The importance of a strong handshake was the first of many communication and leadership skills FFA taught me. Those lessons continue to help me today in my role at FCS Financial,” says Madison Browning, financial services specialist in the Maryville office.


“The vision of the Missouri FFA Foundation closely aligns with the mission of FCS Financial to support rural communities. It seems fitting that on #GivingTuesday we make an inaugural donation of $25,000 in honor of each active member to support the Missouri FFA Foundation in their efforts to advance Missouri FFA,” said David Janish, FCS Financial CEO.


“FCS Financial has always been a friend of Missouri FFA,” says Keith Dietzschold, Missouri FFA Association state advisor and Agricultural Education director. “This donation to the Missouri FFA Foundation helps to secure our ability to continue meeting our vision; “To cultivate the next generation of leaders for the agriculture industry and communities” here in Missouri.”


#GivingTuesday is a global grassroots movement to encourage people to show acts of kindness and generosity in their communities. This is the ten-year anniversary of #GivingTuesday according to It occurs annually on the Tuesday after Thanksgiving.


FCS Financial provides numerous opportunities for youth involved in agriculture through community betterment grants, curriculum development and youth funding programs. To learn more about our involvement, check out our website or follow us on social media.

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Briscoe Named MO FFA Executive Secretary

Teresa Briscoe

We are pleased to introduce Ms. Teresa Briscoe as the new Agricultural Education Leadership Supervisor (MO FFA Executive Secretary).  Teresa brings a wealth of knowledge with youth development and agricultural education to our team.  Her work experience includes 4-H Youth Specialist (4 years), Agriculture instructor and FFA Advisor (20 years of experience) with Mark Twain, Madison C-3, Keytesville, and Paris agricultural departments, and most recently experience working with two veterinary offices.  Many of you may know Teresa as one of the staff who has helped for years in the Swine Barn at the MO State Fair. Teresa enjoys time with her children – Mindy a veterinarian at Paris and Aaron a Captain in the Army National Guard flying helicopters out of Jefferson City.


Teresa stated in her application:  “I am excited for the possibility to contribute my talents and proficiency in a team atmosphere toward the promotion of career success, personal growth and leadership development.”


Teresa’s contact info:
Email: [email protected]
Phone:  573-751-8578


Please join our staff and welcome Teresa back home in agricultural education/MO FFA.

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Dietzschold to Lead Missouri Agricultural Education

Keith Dietzschold, MO Ag Education DirectorThe Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education recently named Keith Dietzschold Agricultural Education director and Missouri FFA Association state advisor, effective July 1, 2021. He takes over for Leon Busdieker who retired June 30. Dietzschold was previously northwest district supervisor and state FFA executive secretary.


“The agriculture education profession has been an exciting one,” Dietzschold said. “I am an educational professional by choice, not by chance. Today’s students are our future, and I have the opportunity to work with people who help shape and mold the future leaders of this great state and nation. Nothing could be more rewarding!”


Dietzschold received a Bachelor of Science degree in animal science from the University of Missouri-Columbia in 1982. After returning home to farm with his father in the family’s row crop and swine operation, Dietzschold returned to MU to complete a Master’s in Education, Agriculture Education emphasis, and graduated in December 1984.


A former agricultural education instructor and FFA Advisor, Dietzschold taught in Chillicothe, Cameron and Lathrop before joining DESE in 2011. He is a member of the National Association for Agriculture Educators and Missouri Vocational Agriculture Teachers Association (MVATA). He has also served on numerous committees for the National FFA Organization and MVATA. Dietzschold was honored in 2018 with the Peter Myers Distinguished Service Award, was named Teacher of the Year by the Missouri Vocational Association in 1997 and was an Eddy Award Winner from Missouri Public Education in 1998. He is also a past recipient of the MVATA Distinguished Service Award.


Dietzschold and his wife, Linda, reside in Boonville. They have two grown children and one granddaughter.


As director of agricultural education and state FFA advisor, Dietzschold will oversee Missouri’s agricultural education program, including the state’s 351 FFA chapters and 25,662 members. The FFA makes a positive difference in the lives of students by developing their potential for premier leadership, personal growth and career success through agricultural education.

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