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Missouri Agriculture Bands Together to Combat Childhood Hunger

Drive to Feed Kids Logo
JEFFERSON CITY, MO. – The 2018 Drive to Feed Kids officially kicks off today. The goal for this collaboration is to raise funds to provide food for hungry Missouri children, pack 100,000 nutritious, kid-friendly meals at the Missouri State Fair and to stand in the gap for the Missouri children who face food insecurity.


In 2017, Missouri Farmers Care (MFC) launched Drive to Feed Kids to combat childhood food insecurity and showcase Missouri agriculture. The inaugural Drive raised nearly $150,000 for Feeding Missouri, the coalition of Missouri’s six regional food banks, provided 52,000 nutritious meals and 9,000 pounds of food donations to Missouri children who face hunger on a regular basis.


According to the latest data from Feeding America’s “Map the Meal Gap”, there are more than 240,000 children in Missouri who don’t know where their next meal will come from. Missouri counties with the highest rates of food insecurity are disproportionately rural, where one out of every three children faces food insecurity.


“We have seen hunger and food insecurity increase in rural areas over the past decade,”said Alan Wessler, D.V.M., MFC chairman. “Some things are out of our control. We can’t control the economy. We can’t create rapid recoveries for rural communities who have suffered economic setbacks. However, we can join together as an agricultural community to do what agriculture does best-feed people. That’s why Missouri Farmers Care, with its more than 45 member organizations, is leading the way with Drive to Feed Kids.”


Events of the 2018 Drive to Feed Kids will take place on Tuesday, Aug. 14, at the Missouri State Fair in Sedalia, in conjunction with the Missouri FFA’s Food Insecurity Day when hundreds of FFA members from across Missouri will work side by side to package 100,000 meals. The Drive will culminate on Saturday, Aug. 18, with a check presentation to Feeding Missouri during the Cole Swindell/Raelynn concert at the Fair.

Missouri Farmers Care encourages companies and individuals to participate in the Drive to Feed Kids by becoming a sponsor. If you would like to partner with MFC to benefit the Drive to Feed Kids, contact Ashley McCarty, MFC executive director, at [email protected]. Individual donations can be directed to All proceeds will be dedicated to Feeding Missouri network food banks who work daily to alleviate against childhood hunger.

To learn more about Drive to Feed Kids, visit

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Missouri FFA Sponsors Missouri FFA Public Speaking Academy on UCM Campus

Sixty-six FFA members from across the state participated in the Missouri FFA Public Speaking Academy held June 5-7, 2018 on the University of Central Missouri campus.


The Missouri FFA, along with Case IH, made it possible for FFA members to benefit from the professional staff at University of Central Missouri.


During the three-day event, FFA members used the Internet and other communication technology to develop and refine an effective speech.  Dr. Terry Cunconan, Dr. Wendy Geiger, Dr. Sam Cox, and Dr. Nikki Freeman from the University’s Speech Communication Department conducted the three days of intense learning.  The academy was designed to help FFA members increase their confidence, develop organizational skills, use language effectively, analyze audiences and improve speaking skills by judging themselves honestly and critically — while keeping a positive attitude.  Each student presented his or her speech in competition at the conclusion of the academy.


Awards were presented at a banquet held at the Ozark Room of the University Conference Center on Thursday, June 7, 2018.  The banquet included the presentation of certificates of completion to each of the participants and recognition of the winners in each division.  The finalists in each division (Beginners, Intermediate, and Advanced) were presented plaques and a State Public Speaking Pin from the Missouri FFA Association. Case IH was the primary sponsor

for this year’s academy.  The academy was also sponsored by Seitz Fundraising, Harmison’s Hometown Fundraising, University of Central Missouri Communications Department and UCM’s Ag Club, and the Missouri FFA Association.


Assisting with the three-day conference were State FFA Officers –Allie Lock, State Vice President of the Carrollton FFA Chapter, Andi Montgomery, State Vice President of the Everton FFA Chapter, Regan Ragsdale State Secretary of the Paris FF


A Chapter, and Hannah Viets, State Vice President of the Sweet Springs FFA Chapter.  Jessie Peterson

served as a valuable intern for the event.  The Conference Coordinator for the academy is Marie Davis, Northeast District Supervisor for Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources Education in Missouri’s Department of Elementary and Secondary Education.

The Missouri FFA has 25,375 members representing 343 chapters. The National FFA Organization has more than 653,000 members representing 8,568 local chapters in all 50 states, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands.


The FFA makes a positive difference in the lives of students by developing their potential for premier leadership, personal growth, and career success through agricultural education.

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2018 Food Insecurity Day

Drive to Feed Kids LogoMissouri FFA ispulling together details for our second Food Insecurity Day at the Missouri State Fair.


First of all, we are pleased to partner with Missouri Farmers Care, Missouri State Fair, The Food Bank of Central & Northeast Missouri, Meals of Hope and Feeding Missouri on this and other events at the MSF this year in regards to Food Insecurity.


We plan to pack 100,000 Meals at the Missouri State Fair on Tuesday, Aug. 14, 2018. These meals will stay in Missouri; in fact the goal is to work to get at least 15,000 to 20,000 meals to each of the six food banks located in the state (truly a state effort).  This day is also the Missouri Farmers Care Food Drive Day at the Fair.  Missouri Farmers Care has been gracious enough to again add our sponsorship needs to their efforts as they are working to raise $250,000 for the Backpack program in Missouri.  We have been included in this effort and we need to provide FFA members to assist with various activities during the Fair in return.


What does the Food Insecurity Day look like on August 14, 2018?

THERE ARE MODIFICATIONS FROM LAST YEAR.  We heard that an 8 a.m. start was difficult for some chapters to fascillitate, so we are working to adjust our schedule and MSF and MFC are behind us 100 percent. We have scheduled two packing shifts this year.

Here is the TENTATIVE schedule and associated items as of May 15, 2018:


8:30 am – Registration for morning volunteers at the Directors Tent on MSF grounds

9:00 am – Welcome – State President

9:05 am – Introduction of Partners (with a few remarks) – MSF, MDA, Food Banks, Sponsors

9:15 am – Scavenger Hunt instructions

9:30 am – FFA Members transported to Lowell Mohler Assembly Hall by trams provided by MSF

9:45 am – Instructions for packing

10:00 am – News Conference with Partners

10:15 am – Begin Packing with first shift

11:30 am — Registration for afternoon volunteers at the Directors Tent on MSF grounds

12:00 noon – Noon Meal in the Directors Tent for BOTH morning volunteers and afternoon volunteers

12:30 pm – Speaker – Diane Sullivan – Advocate for Agriculture and working to end Food Insecurity

1:00 pm – FFA members transported to Lowell Mohler Assembly Hall

1:30 pm – Begin Packing with second shift

3:30 pm – Conclude packing and clean up

By 5:00 pm – turn in scavenger hunt paperwork at FFA Building for a thank you gift for your participation

5:30 pm – Sponsors dinner with speaker Diane Sullivan – Invite only!!

If you are interested in helping, please contact your FFA advisor. Questions may be directed to Keith Dietzschold at [email protected] 


Thank you for service to FFA members across the state.


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2018 Missouri AgriScience Fair Results

Animal Systems – Division 3
Jacob Toombs – Bolivar

Animal Systems – Division 4
Isabella Kidwell and Dylan Sparks – Troy

Animal Systems – Division 5
Daryin Sharp – Bolivar

Animal Systems – Division 6
Jenna Hahn and Collin Nichols – Troy

Environ Services/NRS – Division 3
Alex Rhode – Boonville

Environ Services/NRS – Division 4
Lexi Vickrey and Megan Hargis – Troy

Environ Services/NRS – Division 5
Isaiah Massey – Troy

Environ Services/NRS – Division 6
Jordan Miller and Tyler Linneman – Carrollton

Food Products – Division 3
Caroline Herigon – Boonville

Food Products – Division 4
Gabi Hall and Gracie Bachtel – Carrollton

Food Products – Division 5
Preston McDowell – Tuscumbia

Food Products – Division 6
Jennifer Austermann and Hersh Patel – Troy

Plant Systems – Division 3
Jacob Love – Troy

Plant Sysems – Division 4
Olivia Conrow and Mason Ray – Boonville

Plant Systems – Divison 5
Addison Burns – Gallatin

Plant Systems – Division 6
Jacob Maclean and Abbegail French – Troy

Power, Structural/Tech – Division 3
Gabe Lorenz – Boonville

Power, Structural/Tech – Division 4
Adam Lester – Boonville

Social Systems – Division 3
Bryanne Knowlton – Troy

Social Systems – Division 4
Briley Gregg and Sally Schmidt – Carrollton

Social Systems – Division 5
Britany Jones – Boonville

Social Systems – Division 6
Allie Lock and Katy Grant – Carrollton

Agriscience Fair 2018 Candid2
Agriscience Fair 2018 Candid3
Agriscience Fair 2018 Candid6
Agriscience Fair 2018 Candid4
Agriscience Fair 2018 Candid5
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Missouri FFA to Honor Andrew McCrea


This year, the Missouri FFA Association is pleased to recognize Mr. Andrew McCrea for his service to agricultural education and the Missouri FFA.


Andrew McCrea is a farmer and rancher, an award-winning radio and tv broadcaster and a nationally-recognized speaker. He is the host of the nationally-broadcast radio feature, The American Countryside, a program that has won five Oscars for rural and agricultural broadcasting. McCrea has interviewed hall of fame sports stars, Emmy and Grammy winners and even been body slammed by professional wrestlers! His broadcasting work has taken him to all 50 states and six continents to interview thousands of guests for his program. The American Countryside is unique in broadcasting because all of the interviews are done on location. His broadcasts are heard daily on nearly 100 radio stations and Sirius XM satellite radio. The television version of the show is a regular feature on U.S. Farm Report.


In addition to McCrea’s broadcasting duties, he continues to own and manage the farm and ranch where he was born and raised. McCrea Farms operates nearly 4,000 acres of crop and pastureland in northwest Missouri raising corn, soybeans and beef cattle. A past chairman of the Missouri Beef Industry Council and representative to the U.S. Meat Export Federation, McCrea remains active in a number of agricultural groups, both as a participant and as a frequent speaker.


McCrea’s past is rooted in Missouri FFA, beginning with the King City FFA Chapter in the late 1980’s. He served as the 1991-92 Missouri State FFA President and 1993-94 National FFA Secretary. He also worked as a trainer for National FFA from 1995-2005 and continues to assist the organization with national officer training and behind-the-scenes work at National FFA Convention. Since 1996, McCrea has conducted Missouri FFA State Officer Training, in addition to working with state officers in Illinois and Arizona. He is the Missouri State FFA Convention manager and is the director of both Area Officer Institute and Public Speaking Institute. McCrea has received the chapter, state and American Honorary FFA Degrees.


McCrea and wife Paula, along with children Luke and Allison, reside near Maysville, Missouri, where they are the fifth and sixth generations to operate the family farm. He’s quick to credit his VERY supportive wife, kids and father who handle the chores at home while he travels.


The Missouri FFA extends a special thank you to Andrew McCrea for his many years of service to agricultural education and the Missouri FFA.

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Missouri and Kansas FFA Chapters Donate Over 4,400 Items in Western Farm Show Food Drive

FFA students from Missouri and Kansas collected an impressive 4,457 food items for an annual food drive at the recent Western Farm Show.


The food cans and other non-perishable items have been donated to Harvester’s – The Community Food Network, a regional food bank serving a 26-county area of northwestern Missouri and northeastern Kansas. The FFA donation totaled 2,334 pounds, which Harvesters says will provide 1,945 meals.


Each year, participating bi-state FFA chapters collect food items in their local communities and deliver them to the Western Farm Show, which is held at the American Royal the last weekend in February. For the 2018 food drive, 14 Missouri chapters delivered 3,613 items and six Kansas chapters accounted for 844 items.


“Harvesters is grateful to the Western Farm Show for its commitment to fighting hunger in our region,” said Logan Heley, Harvesters Food and Fund Drive Manager. “During the past seven years, the Western Farm Show has donated more than 31,000 pounds of food which have provided more than 25,000 meals.”


Ken Dean, Western Farm Show manager, said participating students not only support an important cause, but also have the opportunity at the show to expand their agricultural knowledge and learn about ag industry career opportunities. “Our show usually coincides with National FFA Week, which embraces the FFA and the important impact it has on its members,” Dean noted. “These Missouri and Kansas FFA students can be very proud of the dedication they have shown to supporting those in need.”


Produced by the Western Equipment Dealers Association, the Western Farm Show also features the latest farming and ranching equipment, livestock demonstrations, cooking shows and a Health and Safety Roundup, as well as other attractions for farming and ranching families.

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Past State FFA Officer Reunion

Plans are well underway for the 90th Annual Missouri State FFA Convention, which will be held April 19 – 20, 2018 in Columbia, Mo.  As Missouri FFA celebrates this milestone of 90 years of making a positive difference in the lives of students, we are also excited to announce a special event for Past State FFA Officer Teams.  In the past, we have invited past officer teams to join us at State FFA Convention on their 5, 10, and 20 year reunions.  However, as State Staff, we have decided to focus this year on a larger gathering of past officers to help celebrate 90 years of Missouri FFA and to help you re-connect with your State Officer friends.

On Friday, April 20th, 2018 we will be hosting a Past State FFA Officer Reunion at the Columns Club, located within the east tower of Memorial Stadium on the University of Missouri Campus.  We have reserved this space and will kick-off the event at 3:00 p.m. with hors d’oeuvres and will have a short program at 4:30 p.m. to update you on Missouri FFA and the Missouri FFA Leadership Fund.  We would then invite you to join us at 5:30 p.m. at the Hearnes Center for the 4th Session of the 90th Missouri State FFA Convention.  Our hope is that you will be able to re-kindle old friendships and get a glimpse of how Missouri FFA has continued to expand to better serve our students and the agriculture industry. Additional/optional activities on April 20th that you may wish to participate in include:


  • FFA Career Show at the Hearnes Center Field House which runs from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
  • State FFA Officer & Parents gathering at 11:00 a.m. on the Hearnes Center Floor
  • Serving as a judge for the FFA Public Speaking competitions (contact Steven Rogers directly if you have an interest in this opportunity)


In addition to hosting this special event, we would also like to help re-connect you with each other and Missouri FFA.  Please take a couple of minutes to follow this link below where you will be asked to provide your contact information and RSVP for this event.  Not only will this help us with planning for your attendance, but will allow us to have a better database for contacting you in the future.


Please note, we are trying hard to reach as many past officers via email, however, our list of contact information is not complete.  If you have contact with your fellow past state officers, please share this information with them.


I hope you will be able to join us as we celebrate 90 years of Missouri FFA.





Steven Rogers

District Supervisor

Agricultural Education, Office of College and Career Readiness

Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education


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RISE: 90th Missouri FFA Convention

From special guest speakers to leadership workshops to the career show and career development event competition, FFA members from across the state will meet in Columbia, April 19-20 for the 90th Missouri FFA Convention.


Never give up. It’s a common phrase we often take for granted. But motivational speaker and Missouri native Carey Portell lives it every day. As she headlines this year’s state FFA Convention, Portell will inspire FFA members across the state to push their limits and, most importantly, never give up.


After Portell and her children were involved in a fatal drunk driving collision, she was left with partial disabilities, even after a four-year recovery. Connecting with agriculture and assisting on her family’s cattle operation has given Portell hope. She claims farm work as her physical and mental therapy.


Portell travels nationwide to share her story. Additionally, Portell shares how farming has given her a focus and a feeling of life again. She enlightens listeners with her sense of perseverance and persistence.


Themed “Rise,” this year’s state convention also features award presentations, career development events, workshops and the ever-popular FFA Career Show.


Missouri also welcomes National FFA Western Region Vice President Bryce Cluff of Queen Creek, Arizona, to the convention. Cluff credits the blue jacket as the foundation of his core values and beliefs.


“I often have seen my service-driven attitude come out in my everyday life,” Cluff said.


Hailing from an urban background, Cluff worried about creating a successful supervised agricultural experience program when he entered high school. On a whim, Cluff purchased a male Pekin duck from his local feed store. Quickly, he found passion and diversified his operation into a backyard full of poultry in every variety.


“I developed my business skills and learned how I could challenge myself to become a better agriculturist,” Cluff said.


“These skills and experiences have since translated into my life and have shaped me to be a successful student and employee.”


Cluff’s experiences in the National FFA Organization have inspired him to become an agriculture educator and FFA advisor in rural or Native American chapters. Throughout his year of service as a National FFA Officer, Cluff says he hopes to grow alongside FFA members from a wide variety of backgrounds.


In addition to these guest speakers, the 90th Annual Missouri FFA Convention will feature leadership workshops for members. The FFA Career Show also gives students and guests the chance to learn about agricultural businesses, organizations, colleges and universities and more. Additionally, Missouri FFA will recognize the State Star Farmer, State Star in Agribusiness and State Star in Placement as well as present more than 750 State FFA Degrees to deserving members statewide. More than 8,000 people are expected to be in Columbia at the University of Missouri Hearnes Center for the state’s largest FFA event.

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Celebrating FFA Week

FFA members across the state celebrated National FFA Week, Feb. 17-24. These state representatives and senators took time out of their schedules to join us.

Missouri FFA says “thank you” to all state legislators who support agriculture and FFA.

Pictured with their FFA jackets are:


Front row: Rep. Rusty Black, Chillicothe; Rep. Jeff Pogue, Salem; and Rep. Warren Love, Osceola.

Second row: Sen. Brian Munzlinger, Lewis County; Rep. Rick Francis, Perryville; Rep. Tom Hurst, Meta; and Rep. Jay Eggleston, Maysville.

Third row: Rep. Nate Walker, Kirksville; and Rep. Don Rone, Portageville.

Fourth row: Rep. Herman Morse, Dexter.

Fifth row: Rep. Bryan Spencer, Wentzville; and Rep. Allen Andrews, Grant City.

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Missouri Agriscience Fair Set

FFA members interested in agriscience are invited to take part in the Missouri Agriscience Fair May 8 in Columbia. Projects must be preregistered by May 1.



Students may compete in no more than one group project and one individual project. If one student’s project is selected as the winner, that student must identify which project they will submit to the national competition. The non-chosen project will be recognized as runner-up and the second place project will be selected as the state winner. Schools may enter multiple projects in the same division and system.

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