What’s Your Brand?
I was recently driving home after a long week of classes at Missouri State, and I passed the local John Deere dealership just outside of Springfield. As I drove by and looked at the sea of green equipment, I immediately thought of everything John Deere is known for as a company. Excellent customer service, outstanding tractors and the beautiful green paint that every piece of equipment is doused in are just a few of the reasons why John Deere is one of the largest and most successful companies in the world. After I drove by the dealership, I thought to myself, just as John Deere is recognized by green paint, we as individuals are recognized by how we conduct ourselves and how we treat other people. I’m sure many people have heard the phrase, “There’s always somebody watching.” This has been preached to me by my parents for years, and I can say without a doubt they were 100% right. People are always watching to see how we treat other people, how we act with our friends and how hard we work. Just as John Deere is a brand that is known around the world for customer service, tractors and green paint, we too are known by our work ethic, our behavior around our closest friends and our willingness to help others. How will you create your own brand?