Take The First Step
“Time to get up, Gentrie!” These five words send a ring to my ears every morning. If you are like me, you know the value of sleep, especially when it comes to five more minutes…
With fall rolling in and the temperatures dropping, the battle between cozy blankets and the cold, hard floor begins. If there’s one thing I dread, it’s getting out of bed and stepping onto that chilly surface. Simply hitting the floor is the first step into my day. On the other side, the cool floor sure sends a chilling sensation that wakes me up!
Over the course of my time in FFA, I have been relatively active with my Supervised Agricultural Experience (SAE). But has it always been easy? Absolutely not. Have I always felt motivated to take action? No way. However, the mentors and opportunities I’ve encountered along the way have made the struggle worth it. As a freshman, my parents helped me develop a plan for my baking and milling business.This wasn’t just a casual hobby; it was a detailed business plan. We outlined the products I would sell, the equipment I would need, and estimated my input and output costs. I was stressed just thinking about creating a plan, but the real anxiety came when I had to put the plan into action. Simply taking that first step.
So often we get in a rut of not knowing where to start or feeling overwhelmed. I still remember my dad telling me about the tasks I needed to be doing to get my SAE functioning. He told me “action accomplishes goals.” His words stuck with me. My dad nudged me into action, and once I took that first step, things started falling into place. I applied for a National FFA grant, which helped fund the equipment and ingredients I needed for my business. Over time, I expanded my product line and grew the business from the ground up. What felt like risk turned into a reward.
So often, taking that first step can feel like a brick wall. We can all plan, take preventative measures and budget, but we have to put this planning into practice. Often when creating goals, we get stuck in the rut of not knowing where to go. I have been there, and the best thing you can do is find someone to hold you accountable. That is your first step. Find someone to push your limits, help you find those opportunities, support your endeavors and seek the inevitable. Just like stepping out of bed onto that cold floor, taking the first step toward your goals can feel uncomfortable. But once you do it, you’re awake, you’re moving and you’re on your way to success. Ask yourself what your first step will be today. Afterall, taking action leads to accomplishment.