Mikaela Rojas

Mikaela Rojas, 1st Vice President
Jun 25 2024

The Lessons I Learned in Leaving

Mikaela Rojas

I have never been one for change. When I was little, a substitute teacher at school would throw off my day and a change in lunch plans frustrated me to no end. As a terribly indecisive person, change can be a tough pill to swallow once I have my heart set on something. This month I graduated high school, which is easily one of the biggest changes I have ever undergone. 

At the beginning of the year, I was terrified of leaving the people I loved, the places I was familiar with, and the routine I had developed. It reminded me of my grandfather and his journey in agriculture. At 19, Grandpa left his home in Costa Rica knowing no English to attend Truman State University in Kirksville, Missouri. There, he learned English while completing his degree in animal science. Through his stories, grandpa taught me there is power in embracing change. 

Graduation has come and gone, and I am no longer afraid of the constant change that continues to occur throughout my life. If you take a step out of your comfort zone, you may realize that the process of changing is not scary at all. It is a beautiful time of growth and development, whether that be learning from mistakes or adjusting to an unfamiliar situation. I will have strength in knowing that the lessons I learned in leaving will live on in my heart. 

FFA members, you are only limiting yourself by being afraid of change. You can manage the last-minute script revision before a chapter banquet. You can present that speech your advisor has been pushing you to try. You most definitely can use change to practice acceptance and adaptability and become the best version of yourself possible. 

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