Annabelle Carlisle

Annabelle Carlisle
Jun 25 2024

Experiences are What You Make of Your Opportunities

Annabelle Carlisle

We have all heard at some point from a mentor that your experiences are what you make of your opportunities. While I have heard this saying so many times, I never really understood its meaning. Everyone gains different experiences just based on their perspective. I found this so true when I joined this amazing organization.

Where I grew up in Hornersville, Missouri, it’s a small rural farming community. I grew up looking at soybeans, cotton, rice, watermelons and cantaloupes. While I may have lived in a farming community, I didn’t grow up on a farm. As I joined FFA my freshman year, I didn’t think that this was an organization where I would fit in. Everyone around me had some kind of experience farming. Little did I know that this is where I would find my place. I had to work hard to gain the knowledge needed to be successful within this organization. I went to many different leadership opportunities, camps and competitions. All of these aspects played a role in my experience within the organization.

You see, so many times I get caught up in trying to have the same experiences as others. You can never have the exact same experience because you are going to have a different perspective. Your experiences are what you make of them. If you go out of your comfort zone to experience new opportunities, you will gain an experience of a lifetime. Continue to look for chances to change your experience through your own perspective. 

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