Stop Watering The Weeds
Disney’s “Finding Nemo” is one of my favorite films of all time. Something about the animation and the plot have always lured me in, but if I’m honest, there’s one character I’m particularly drawn to. Dory, the enthusiastic blue tang fish, is not only lovable but also unreasonably optimistic in the face of adversity. As my admiration for Dory grew, so did my love for her catchphrase “just keep swimming.”
My sophomore year of high school I was busy swimming in the sea of FFA contest season when the tide started to turn. I was competing at a district public speaking event when, for the fourth time in a row, I struck out. Immediately my cheeks started to burn and I could feel the hot tears welling up in my eyes. A hurricane of hurt swirled in my mind as I questioned if I would ever find success in public speaking. I had told myself that if I “just kept swimming” things would eventually go my way. Little did I know, I was forcing myself to swim through a sea of resentment, pain and worry. That night, as I climbed into the car with my Mema, she delivered a line I hold with me to this day. She said, “Mikaela, you’re never going to go anywhere feeling sorry for yourself. Get up and have the courage to try again.”
Missouri FFA members, how beautiful is it that we have countless opportunities to try again? Dory is such a special character to me because she has learned to stop watering the weeds in her life. Instead of worrying about what she is not, she chooses to embrace her feelings and everything that makes her unique. My life changed when I stopped watering the weeds in my heart and allowed a garden to grow. How will you cultivate your garden today to ensure success grows tomorrow?