Be Present in the Moment
I had never thought that I would enjoy a barnwarming until I began as a state officer. Barnwarming at my home chapter was filled with dancing and chili, but I was not much of a dancer. Until, I found myself one night in November at the Area 7 barnwarming with a couple of my fellow state officers, and numerous members of this amazing organization. I walked in and was pleased to see a whole team of area officers decked out to match the barnwarming theme of USA. From that point forward I knew this was going to be a great night. As each of the members walked in and they received beads to wear, the party was on. However, as I was going on about the night I couldn’t help thinking of all the other things I had to do the rest of the week. My homework, chores, taking my car to get new tires, work, so many things were distracting me. Thinking of just the future was taking me away from the present. I was out of the moment and missing out on the opportunity to visit and make memories with the people around me. Be present in the moment. These words are something I constantly have to say to myself. Way too often I believe we find ourselves focusing on the future. While it is important to think of our future, we must not forget to live in the moment. We only have so many moments and memories to make in FFA. So be present in your moments. Take advantage of the opportunities that FFA is offering you, whether that is new friends, a new skill, or a chance to step out of your comfort zone. Missouri FFA, be present in the moment.