“Gentrie, never settle for less. Be you, it’s okay to not go along with the crowd.”
My mom always told me this growing up, especially in high school and throughout life in general. Usually when she would tell me this, I would let it go in one ear and out the other. I didn’t see the point. However, per usual, I was wrong!
High school can be difficult. This is a time where we start making connections with others, learning the balance of a social life with work and academics. We start making plans for the future and become independent while gaining responsibility. Personally, my priorities were always academics, work and, at the top, FFA. I loved high school. I had a small group of friends, but it wasn’t always the “cool” crowd. There were times I wished I was “like them”. Looking back now, I am grateful for the experience I had.
We have all heard the terms unique, different, “going against the grain.”, etc. These are more than words, but a testament to the strength it takes for us to stay true to ourselves. In a world where we try to fit in with the crowd through social media or social groups, we become lost and forget our self value. Embracing our values and setting expectations for ourselves is an act of courage and confidence. In FFA, we are taught the importance of setting goals and striving for excellence — not just in our agricultural life, but in living a life where we never lower our standards. We all have something to bring to the table: a positive attitude, words of encouragement, peace, experience, wisdom, the list can go on!
When trying to think of a phrase to encapsulate this, I came back to a conversation I had with my parents in January. We were talking about what our hashtags were going to be walking into 2025. At the time, I didn’t know. But over the month as I interacted with others, my personal expectations started to fall. Fortunately, I was reminded “never settle for less, be you, don’t go with the crowd.” Then it came, #OldSchool.
Remember it’s okay to stand out and be different. Embrace it, never settle for less. Trust in your journey because every step you take with integrity and determination will lead you to where you are meant to be. Exceed expectations and inspire those around you to do the same in creating an atmosphere of success that will leave an impact. Think of it as being old school!