Jackson Rhine, Vice President

VP 2024-2025

Email Jackson Rhine
Joplin FFA
Joplin, Missouri

University of Missouri


Crop Management & Business Management  

Jackson Rhine
SAE Project:

I have a Plant Systems Research SAE with Hummert International, researching the effectiveness of organic fertilizers in place of artificial ones. I also have an internship with the SW REEC over the summer. 

Why did I want to serve as a Missouri FFA State Officer?

I wanted to serve as a Missouri FFA State Officer because I want to give back to the community that has given me so much in life. FFA has helped me find a career, build relationships and life skills. I want to be able to give back to members and provide them those same opportunities I was given.

What legacy do I want to leave?

I want to leave members with the idea that it is okay if they’re not a state, area, or even chapter officer. They don’t have to be the best at giving poultry reasons, nor do they need to have the State Star in Agribusiness. I want to leave the legacy that everyone has their role, everyone moves at their own pace, and that they will find theirs, they just need to keep moving and keep trying new things.

What are your plans for the future?

After my year of service, I plan to continue my education at Mizzou, working with agronomists and other industry professionals to get an in-depth understanding of both Missouri and American agriculture. After college, I plan to use this knowledge in the University Extension program, bringing hard-to-access research to the public.

What is something unique or interesting that few people know about you?

I grow both exotic and native fruits and ornamentals as a hobby. I love to grow exotic plants, not only for their novelty, but also in order to try new and exciting flavors and smells. I love to grow native plants to try and give back to my community and ecosystem. Native fruit and nut trees are an essential part of the ecosystem, without which many are failing. Once my supply grows, I plan to start selling the produce and plants.

Advice to FFA Members

That no matter what, you can have a positive impact on someone else’s life. I know many people in FFA who, despite not being officers, are key parts of their chapter and community. Daily acts of small kindness or a genuine moment between you and another person are what make your chapter succeed.