Claire Walker, Vice President

VP 2023-2024

Email Claire Walker

Chillicothe FFA


Chillicothe, Missouri


Agribusiness Management

Claire Walker
SAE Project:

My SAE is beef cattle production entrepreneurship. My family and I have a herd of Simmental Cattle. We also exhibit our cattle at shows in Missouri and across the nation. Another part of my SAE is my placement job in food services at small sporting events in my hometown.

What motivated you to want to become a Missouri FFA officer?

For me, being in FFA just always felt right. My advisors had told me that you only get out of something as much as you put in, so I worked hard to make the most out of every opportunity FFA had to offer. However, the main turning point in my FFA career was when I met State Vice President Kate Thompson as she visited my home chapter. When she spoke to us and shared her experiences, it opened my eyes not only to the physical opportunities of FFA, but more importantly, to the relationships you make along the way. Like Kate, I want to be able to meet members and inspire an excitement in them, just as she did me.

What legacy do you most want to leave with Missouri FFA members during your year of service?

The legacy I want to leave with FFA members is that all you have to do is try your best. No one can ever ask you to do more than your best, and as long as you are giving everything you have, that is all you can do. This organization is made by and for those who work hard, and I want others to be able to understand how important it is just to try.

What are your plans for the future?

After graduating from Chillicothe, I plan to attend the University of Missouri to major in agribusiness management with a minor in international studies. I want to do a study abroad program in college, and then I plan to also obtain my masters in international business. I plan to have a job in business administration with an international company after I graduate.

What is something unique or interesting that few people know about you?

I love reading and buying books. I also have a donkey named after a Harry Potter character, and an instagram account for my cows!

Advice to FFA Members

Take every opportunity not only in this organization, but every activity you are involved in. You don’t know where each opportunity and experience will take you and prepare you for your future. I have grown and made so many friends just because I said yes to attending an activity, so step out of your comfort zone, take a chance, and grow into the person you want to be.