To Infinity and Beyond


Rhiannen Schneider

Rhiannen Schneider, VP

Growing up, one of my most favorite things to do was to watch the movie Toy Story. I absolutely LOVED the characters, and I longed for the day that my toys would start talking to me. However, the admiration for this seemingly silly children’s movie did not dissipate as I grew older; it instead continued to grow as I did.


When I heard the news of Toy Story 4 being a possible release in 2017, I began to reflect upon what it was that made the Toy Story movies so great. As I re-watched the movies, I realized Buzz Lightyear’s signature phrase, “To infinity and beyond” was something that people of all ages could to relate to.


This year is full of incredible opportunities for Missouri FFA members. From career development events to Supervised Agricultural Experience Programs and speaking contests, the opportunities to help share agriculture’s story are endless. Regardless of what this year might hold for you, each one of us can live like Buzz — to infinity and beyond. Every one of us has the power to go to infinity and beyond in all our chapter activities, leadership events and contests. Although we might not always hit the bullseye, if we strive for greatness and improvement in all we do, we will be successful.


As you tackle your year, remember to go to infinity and beyond in everything you do. In the wise words of American basketball coach, Pat Riley, “Excellence is the gradual result of always striving to do better.” Be excellent this year.

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