
Sparking Passion

Justin Beleu, VP

From the moment we are born, we are asked the question, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” Throughout our lives this phrase seems to haunt us, whether we know the answer or not and becomes increasingly more difficult the older we get. As FFA members this choice becomes more urgent as ‘the real world’ comes into sight. I know for myself I didn’t realize I wanted to continue in a production agriculture lifestyle until my senior year of high school when I began to work more alongside my dad on the family farm. It is a-ok to not know your complete life path from the get-go, but it also never hurts to try new things that may spark a new passion.


A good friend once told me, “Life is like driving down a country road at night, the headlights only shine so far.” As FFA members, we have endless opportunities within this organization to try something new. Whether that is presenting a speech for the first time, traveling to FFA camp during the summer or beginning an SAE, we all have the chance to create a spark that could make those headlights brighter. Branching out is a challenge in itself, but the result could help you discover what you want to do for the remainder of your life. FFA members, I challenge you to do something you have never done before, because you never know the passion it may spark.

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Strive For Success and Missouri FFA Will Rise

Chad Laxton

Chad Laxton, VP

Recently, members all across the state of Missouri came together for the 89th Annual Missouri FFA Convention. Thousands of dedicated Missouri FFA members gathered into one domain for many different reasons. Some may have attended to compete and further develop their skills, while others utilized their abilities to advocate for agriculture. No matter what their task at convention, each member demonstrated an act of hard work and dedication to get them to this event. It is obvious to anyone that in order to reach success, you must provide a consistent amount of practice and dedication.


State FFA Convention has been one of my favorite events throughout the past four years, simply because it is a time that members are rewarded for their success. As the days of this event progress, members have the opportunity to see the idea, “hard work results in success,” come to reality when hundreds of members walk across the iconic convention stage and receive recognition. This is an electrifying time for those being recognized and truly makes me proud to be serving the members of Missouri FFA in the upcoming year.


When the convention comes to a close and the final session is adjourned, members begin to feel relieved and overjoyed that all of the stress leading up to convention is finally over. Although, convention is over we must not forget the hard work we provided to get us to that point. I encourage everyone to never lose their passion and to always remember what this organization has to offer. We must continue to demonstrate the same commitment we put towards a successful convention to all other activities throughout the following year. If we all strive for success and implement hard work into our chapters, the upcoming year will be prosperous and Missouri FFA will rise!

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Walk With Purpose

Elizabeth Knipp, VP

Elizabeth Knipp, VP

“Walk with purpose!” This statement has become engrained in my head ever since I spent a week in Washington, D.C. with over 200 FFA members from across the country for the Washington Leadership Conference (WLC) this past summer. When we began traveling in the city, every member who was attending the conference had to remain vigilant in making sure they stayed within designated groups so someone did not get lost in the bustle of our nation’s capital city. Our group leaders could often be heard yelling, ‘walk with purpose” to ensure we arrived at our destinations safely and did not stray from our path because of distractions presented along the way. Through their reminders, we were able to use this statement as a guide in achieving our goals. As the awaited summer months have arrived, I am reminded of how we can use the phrase “walk with purpose’ and opportunities FFA provides to remain on target with our tasks at hand.


Sometime our plans and goals become clouded because we lose sight of the purpose we have set to achieve. This can be due to setbacks or obstacles which form in our path. However, if we clearly define our gals and ambitions, we will continue to walk with a purpose. Whether by preparing a speech during the Public Speaking Academy or starting a conversation with a peer at FFA Camp, let all actions have a meaningful purpose to ensure you reach your destination during these summer months!

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Share Your Passion

Chad Laxton

Chad Laxton, VP

As FFA members, we believe in the future of agriculture. We believe American agriculture can and will hold true to the best traditions of our national life and that we can exert an influence in our homes and communities which will stand solid for our part in that inspiring task. The last paragraph of the FFA Creed states we have confidence in American agriculture and we can assist in the strengthening of the industry. We can guide our industry and spread the word of agriculture in several ways, one of them is through public speaking.


Throughout the second week of June, I had the opportunity to attend Public Speaking Academy along with my fellow teammates and 65 members from across the state! This was an exciting and informative time, allowing members to utilize their voice and personal experiences to advocate for the agriculture industry. Throughout the two days, individuals from respective divisions practiced speech content, developed organization, and presented through effective delivery. As I facilitated the process, I soon became impressed by the passion and ability of Missouri FFA members!


When we apply our voices and share the message of agriculture with the passion and strength we all possess, we gain the ability to make a difference. Today’s population is three generations removed from farming, therefore those who have a connection to the farm must take the opportunity to inform others. FFA members, share your passion and livelihood with the world and make a difference!

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Ice Breakers

Emily Blaue, VP

Ever since my freshman year, ice breakers have terrified me. The idea of meeting new people and making myself available to their judgement and opinions scared me. I lacked the confidence in myself when it came to others’ ideas about me. While in FFA, I have gained many communication skills, I still have some feelings of apprehension. Imagine my surprise when I had the amazing opportunity to give a workshop to area officers on one of those things I had feared. Ice breakers! I worried for many days how I was going to instruct and impact the area officers on something I myself was still nervous about.


The morning I was preparing to leave, I was searching through my FFA file cabinet for some papers I needed. During my search, I happened to find a paper from a past area leadership conference with my name on the top and it said, “My first thought about Emily was…” and different people had wrote nice encouraging things about me. Seeing this paper reminded me, the judgement I had feared when first meeting others was just in my mind.


The next day while giving the Ice Breakers Workshop, not only did I have new confidence but also realized these people were excited to learn from me and held some of the same nervous thoughts as I did. It also seemed to comfort them that a state officer had fears as well. FFA members, sometimes we will be plagued with fears of judgement, the opinions of others or even just the lack of confidence in ourselves. You are not alone and this does not limit you. We must face our fears and take risks. Area Officer Institute (AOI) was not only an awesome place for area officers to grow and gain more confidence but for your state officers as well. I encourage us as successful FFA members to challenge ourselves by taking on new experiences that force us out of our comfort zones. Being an area officer and attending AOI may be just the place for you come next June. So remember, no matter what chance we are afraid to take, let’s all challenge ourselves to “break the ice” and discover new successes!


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First Time Flyer

Mariah Fox, 1st VP

Before the end of my junior year of high school, my FFA advisor approached me and asked me if I wanted to attend the Washington Leadership Conference. I couldn’t believe it! I jumped at the idea of going to a place with over 200 other passionate FFA members from across the United States!


As time passed, the day of my departure got closer and closer and I became more and more excited! However, there was something I had forgot about in lieu of my excitement. Three days before we left, my advisor texted me, “Don’t forget to check the airline website for packing information!” As soon as I read this text, I immediately felt worried! I had to fly in an airplane across the country to Washington D.C. and I have never, ever flown before! What am I going to do? I was scared and unsure of how I was supposed to handle this new situation.


This challenge is something small that I took in a huge way. Sometimes as individuals we worry too much about meaningless activities. We spend time stressing about miniscule problems that really aren’t that big of a deal. Though I stressed out in several different ways, I made it to Washington in one piece. My advice to you, FFA members, is to worry less about the little items and focus on the big, important aspects of life. In the end, there will always be stress in our lives. It is how we overcome the stress and be successful in what we are doing. Just always remember, flying is not as stressful as you think!

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Advocate, Compete and Serve

Ben Luebbering, casual

Ben Luebbering – VP

It is an exciting time to be a Missouri FFA member! FFA Camp is wrapping up, providing us valuable tools to use throughout the year as we advocate, compete and serve. I hope that we all have had the opportunity to set new goals for the upcoming year so that we can truly set our leadership on target and hit the bullseye. Just as camp and other leadership academies such as HYPE and HYMAX are coming to an end, fair season is coming into full swing. This gives us the prime opportunity to apply the valuable leadership and advocacy techniques that we have obtained throughout this summer. Fairs give us, as agriculturists, the opportunity to share our message to consumers by using our projects and livestock as a platform for conversations. These experiences are critical as we continue to spread the good word of agriculture. There are also a number of opportunities to help our peers and younger students as they learn the ways of the fair. We must remember to take advantage of every opportunity presented to us so we can continue to grow. At the end of the day, remember to keep shooting for the bullseye!






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Reflect and Appreciate

Sydnee Mason, casual

Sydnee Mason – Secretary

We all know that the summer months are jam-packed with fun, memories and miles. Throughout the summer, FFA members across our state find themselves working hard, packing and traveling. They trek to our nation’s capital for the Washington Leadership Conference, are cruising down to Camp Rising Sun for State FFA Leadership Camp, or are working with their animals in preparation for the Missouri State Fair in Sedalia. Throughout my FFA career, I’ve made so many of these memories, but I never appreciated them until I took the time to stop, step back and reflect.


This reflection process leads me to a state of immense appreciation. I feel so thankful for my parents, advisors, teachers and mentors for turning all these summertime opportunities into reality.  I’m willing to bet that every Missouri FFA member can name at least one person who helped them transform one of those “what ifs” into a memory they will hold onto forever. Think about the feeling that role model would have if you took just five minutes out of your busy summer day to say thank you.


FFA Members, as our busy summers come to a close and a new school year begins let’s all take the time to stop, step back and reflect on those memories we’ve made this summer. Appreciate those who helped us make them.






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Fair Season is Here

Aaron Mott, casual

Aaron Mott – VP

Finally, fair season is here! It’s the time of year that many of us look forward to all year long. Fairs are a place where we can showcase the skills we have learned from our projects and make memories with our friends and family. We’ve put so much time and effort into our projects this year and most of us can’t wait to walk into that show ring. As we walk in with big smiles and hopeful hearts, sometimes we can be disappointed when we are called to stand in the lower ranks of the class. However, it’s not the place in the class or color of the ribbon that makes us who we are. It’s the work that we’ve done, the ethics we put into play, and the connections we have made that truly matter. Sure it’s a lot of fun to win, but that’s not what the fair is all about. This year focus on what’s happening around you, and see the positive side of things. Talk to other kids in your barns and make a new friend. Don’t focus on winning, just keep on working. A trophy lasts a year, but a friendship could last a lifetime.






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Hitting Your Bullseye

Isabel Legg, casual

Isabel Legg – VP

As the summer comes to an end, we need to make certain to remember what we’ve learned over the past 3 months. Countless members have attended FFA Camp, Public Speaking Academy, HYPE, HYMAX, and several more camps and activities! Through each event that has been completed, we’ve become more knowledgeable about many aspects of agriculture and FFA. When school starts everything learned needs to be considered whether it be the advocacy, speaking or even CDE tips.


At camp, we learned a little about everything. Hitting your bullseye is a huge one! The littlest ideas we got at camp whether it be POA ideas, speaking tips, practice contests, finding ourselves, and countless others all guide our futures. The future can’t get any brighter without hard work and dedication! I have had many times in my FFA career that I neglected to take full advantage of my learning opportunities and didn’t reach my bulleye. Just remember that no matter what, take advantage of all the knowledge given to you. You never know when that little thing you absorbed through the summer will come in handy, and you won’t even realize until it happens.






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