Jacob King

Jacob King, VP
Jan 31 2023

Appreciation, Competition, and Success

Jacob King

The winter season is commonly associated with bitter cold temperatures, snowstorms, and slick road conditions. There is not much to get excited about unless it is an occasional snow day. Although winter might not bring a lot of excitement when it comes to the weather, it does bring the excitement for FFA in the spring. Every fourth week in February, FFA members from across the U.S. dedicate an entire week to celebrating the history of this great organization. Shortly after National FFA Week, CDE and LDE contest season begins, bringing a new level of diligence for practice, preparation, anticipation, and performance in competition.


I cherish the fun memories I made in high school during National FFA Week. Each day during FFA week is designated with a different type of fashion style. For example, I particularly remember redneck day, camo day, dress up like a teacher day, and blue and gold day. I always enjoyed getting to dress up on those days. Usually on Wednesday of FFA Week, my chapter would host a teacher appreciation breakfast for the teachers and for the chapter. Your FFA chapter might do something like this. Your chapter could do something very different. There is a lot of room for fun and creative ideas for FFA Week activities. National FFA Week is a time to embrace camaraderie, fellowship, and fun, but it is also a time to embrace appreciation. As members of this organization, we should always be appreciative of the countless number of opportunities and resources that FFA provides.


CDE and LDE contest season was my favorite time of the school year. Being able to participate in these competitions was always a thrill to me. There was just something about getting on a school bus at 6:30 a.m. on a cold Saturday morning that always made me excited for competition. You might be hesitant to participate in an LDE or CDE, but if you have the chance, take that opportunity, and run with it. There are so many choices that you should find an activity that you are interested in. You might even try competing in both types of competitions. You can absolutely find a contest that meets your interest or passion.


Success is something that we all desire and strive to achieve, but unfortunately, success is not handed out. For you to experience success, you must earn it. You might place first in state with a CDE or LDE. You might place last in one of these events. No matter the placing, just remember that the willingness to try to make yourself better is a success.


Appreciate the opportunities offered by the National FFA Organization. Compete to make the best YOU possible. Challenge yourself and put yourself in the position to succeed.

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Jacob King, VP
Oct 04 2022

“Fall” Into Opportunity

Jacob King

Fall is upon us. The new school year is underway and ready to present new opportunities. With fall comes leaves changing color, exciting town festivals, holidays such as Halloween and Thanksgiving, and cooler temperatures. Unlike fall, FFA continues to stay hot by offering rewarding and engaging opportunities such as a trip to National Convention, participating in a fall public speaking contest, various fundraisers, and other fun chapter activities.


As members of Missouri FFA and the National FFA Organization, it is our job to embrace and “fall” into these amazing opportunities. National FFA Convention and Expo is a wonderful opportunity for you to learn what agriculture is doing in other states and parts of the world. Also, National FFA Convention and Expo is a great opportunity for involvement in your chapter and to meet members that are from different regions of the United States and beyond. 


Halloween can be spooky, but fun, and so is public speaking. It is common to be spooked about the idea of speaking in front of other people. This fall may be a chance for you to overcome that fear and grow as an FFA member. I challenge you to meet your fear of public speaking head on and participate in a fall public speaking contest this year. Even though it may seem scary at first, it will be worthwhile in the end.


During this fall season, FFA chapters from across the state are right in the thick of chapter fundraising and activities. Make it a goal to participate in fundraising and other activities. These events are great in developing life skills and meaningful friendships.


Missouri FFA members, take advantage of these events and “fall” into opportunities.

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Jacob King, VP
Jun 01 2022

Finding Your Place in FFA

Jacob King

Missouri FFA Members, I am truly honored and delighted to be serving as one of your new state FFA officers. I cannot tell you how thrilled I am to be able to serve and interact with FFA members from across this great state. I have a feeling that this year is going to be another remarkable year for Missouri FFA, and I am very excited to see the progress and impact this year’s state officer team is going to have. 

Finding your place in the FFA will open your eyes to countless opportunities and make your FFA experience worthwhile. I know from being a Greenhand that it is difficult sometimes to realize your place and passions within agriculture and FFA. Luckily, FFA offers a variety of leadership opportunities, career events and skill building workshops that are developed to help us find our place. Career Development Events and Leadership Development Events provide us with a variety of options that can enhance our knowledge, leadership, career and communication skills. Personally, I have competed in the entomology contest and various speaking competitions. I’ve seen first hand the improvements and new skills I have acquired because I applied myself to those contests. Competition can really help you discover your passions and talents, but if those opportunities are not for you, that is okay. Supervised Agricultural Experiences also provide a way for you to develop your skills. My SAE is in vegetable production. Through my SAE I plant, maintain, and harvest 150 tomato plants, along with several other vegetables. My SAE has taught me wonderful life skills such as marketing, communication and responsibility. It has also helped me develop career goals I would eventually like to pursue. The good news about SAEs is the diverse interests the experiences help members explore. If you are struggling to find your place or passion in FFA, an SAE project can help open new opportunities for you. 

Members, I challenge you to discover your place in FFA. Set goals and work to achieve them this next year. Don’t wait for the opportunity to find you. Seek out ways FFA can help you discover your niche!

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