My Missouri FFA Paradox

Rhiannen Schneider, casual

Rhiannon Schneider – Vice President

Merriam Webster defines a paradoxical situation as one that has seemingly contradictory qualities or phases. When reading this definition, I decided that paradoxical was the perfect way to describe Sat., April 14. As a few of my teammates and I gathered around the picnic table outside of the Missouri Cattlemen’s building, awaiting the announcement of the 2018-2019 Missouri FFA State Officer Team, we were sad. We were sad because just over 365 short days ago, we were in their seats. We were in this building, in these chairs, and even feeling these same emotions.


Yet, even as I sat there with a little bit of bitterness, I couldn’t help myself from paradoxicallysmiling. Although I know that my journey in this FFA jacket is quickly coming to an end, I also know of the greatness that this new team possesses. I know that all 16 of its members have an undeniable passion for not only the blue and gold, but also for the entirety of the agriculture industry that we so proudly represent. I know that this team will serve our association with pride. I know that Adriene, Allie, Andi, Audrey, Chloe, Dillon, Hannah, Hattie, Madelyn, Madison, McKenzie, Paxton, Quentin, Regan, Ryan and Shelby are world changers. And, I can’t wait for FFA members to meet them.


Aristotle once said, “We are what we repeatedly do. Greatness then, is not an act, but a habit.” To the future leaders of the Missouri FFA Association, let yourself be great, just like we know you will.


To the entire Missouri FFA Association, you have risenfar above expectations this past year. Keep working, keep learning and keep rising, because you posses greatness, and seeing that unfold is a special thing to be part of.


It is truly a paradox to wrap up my year as a state FFA officer. While I am oh, so sad that my journey must end, I am thrilled to see what the future holds. It has been real, it has been fun, and it has been real fun, Missouri FFA.


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Missouri FFA to Honor Andrew McCrea


This year, the Missouri FFA Association is pleased to recognize Mr. Andrew McCrea for his service to agricultural education and the Missouri FFA.


Andrew McCrea is a farmer and rancher, an award-winning radio and tv broadcaster and a nationally-recognized speaker. He is the host of the nationally-broadcast radio feature, The American Countryside, a program that has won five Oscars for rural and agricultural broadcasting. McCrea has interviewed hall of fame sports stars, Emmy and Grammy winners and even been body slammed by professional wrestlers! His broadcasting work has taken him to all 50 states and six continents to interview thousands of guests for his program. The American Countryside is unique in broadcasting because all of the interviews are done on location. His broadcasts are heard daily on nearly 100 radio stations and Sirius XM satellite radio. The television version of the show is a regular feature on U.S. Farm Report.


In addition to McCrea’s broadcasting duties, he continues to own and manage the farm and ranch where he was born and raised. McCrea Farms operates nearly 4,000 acres of crop and pastureland in northwest Missouri raising corn, soybeans and beef cattle. A past chairman of the Missouri Beef Industry Council and representative to the U.S. Meat Export Federation, McCrea remains active in a number of agricultural groups, both as a participant and as a frequent speaker.


McCrea’s past is rooted in Missouri FFA, beginning with the King City FFA Chapter in the late 1980’s. He served as the 1991-92 Missouri State FFA President and 1993-94 National FFA Secretary. He also worked as a trainer for National FFA from 1995-2005 and continues to assist the organization with national officer training and behind-the-scenes work at National FFA Convention. Since 1996, McCrea has conducted Missouri FFA State Officer Training, in addition to working with state officers in Illinois and Arizona. He is the Missouri State FFA Convention manager and is the director of both Area Officer Institute and Public Speaking Institute. McCrea has received the chapter, state and American Honorary FFA Degrees.


McCrea and wife Paula, along with children Luke and Allison, reside near Maysville, Missouri, where they are the fifth and sixth generations to operate the family farm. He’s quick to credit his VERY supportive wife, kids and father who handle the chores at home while he travels.


The Missouri FFA extends a special thank you to Andrew McCrea for his many years of service to agricultural education and the Missouri FFA.

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Missouri and Kansas FFA Chapters Donate Over 4,400 Items in Western Farm Show Food Drive

FFA students from Missouri and Kansas collected an impressive 4,457 food items for an annual food drive at the recent Western Farm Show.


The food cans and other non-perishable items have been donated to Harvester’s – The Community Food Network, a regional food bank serving a 26-county area of northwestern Missouri and northeastern Kansas. The FFA donation totaled 2,334 pounds, which Harvesters says will provide 1,945 meals.


Each year, participating bi-state FFA chapters collect food items in their local communities and deliver them to the Western Farm Show, which is held at the American Royal the last weekend in February. For the 2018 food drive, 14 Missouri chapters delivered 3,613 items and six Kansas chapters accounted for 844 items.


“Harvesters is grateful to the Western Farm Show for its commitment to fighting hunger in our region,” said Logan Heley, Harvesters Food and Fund Drive Manager. “During the past seven years, the Western Farm Show has donated more than 31,000 pounds of food which have provided more than 25,000 meals.”


Ken Dean, Western Farm Show manager, said participating students not only support an important cause, but also have the opportunity at the show to expand their agricultural knowledge and learn about ag industry career opportunities. “Our show usually coincides with National FFA Week, which embraces the FFA and the important impact it has on its members,” Dean noted. “These Missouri and Kansas FFA students can be very proud of the dedication they have shown to supporting those in need.”


Produced by the Western Equipment Dealers Association, the Western Farm Show also features the latest farming and ranching equipment, livestock demonstrations, cooking shows and a Health and Safety Roundup, as well as other attractions for farming and ranching families.

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The Greatest Show

Mariah Fox, casual

Mariah Fox – 1st VP

We all know how it feels to go to the movie theater — the anticipation of the trailers before the movie, the tasty popcorn, and of course the movie that is going to be seen. I love going to the theater and seeing the new movies that I find trailers for over the television.


Recently, I saw the movie “The Greatest Showman.” The movie shares the differences among a group of individuals in a circus act. Throughout the movie, challenges are faced and later the cast must overcome obstacles each faces while performing. In the end, the entire cast all come out successful as a team and create the greatest show known to man. I absolutely fell in love with the concept of the movie! As I reflected later on what I had seen, I realized the film has so many different meanings. In fact, the movie really relates to the conclusion of our year in the FFA.


State convention is just one month away in the Hearnes Center in Columbia, Missouri. As FFA members, convention is our greatest show. It’s our time to show off what we have been working on for the year. Just like the characters in the movie being different in their own way, we are also each different. We all bring a unique and different skill set to our contest teams, speeches and especially our FFA chapters.


The 90th Missouri FFA Convention is where we make up the greatest show. Together, we will all make up the greatest show of the year. I challenge you all to bring your best to the convention to make your team, chapter and state proud!

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Contest Commitment

Aaron Mott, casual

Aaron Mott – VP

It’s that time of year again; the days are getting longer, the sun’s shining a little brighter, and we can finally spend some time outside. It also probably seems like all of your classes are taking forever. And if you’re anything like me, you might be starting to spend more and more time daydreaming and looking out the window at the green grass and warm sunlight.


I know that right now it feels like the end of school is so far away, but I promise it really is just right around the corner. You see, I always found that it was hard to focus on school in the spring because I put my attention on the next FFA Career Development Event contest coming up.


I remember spending hours studying and practicing reasons and how good it felt when all that preparation finally paid off. I know that at times it might feel like the contest team you are on doesn’t apply to you or won’t help you out in the future. However, those skills you learn in a contest will stick with you for the rest of your life. Livestock judging helped me so much with personal development skills, learning how to speak to a judge and how to convey a clear and understandable message. Evaluating the livestock taught me to assess a situation from all angles and to make sure I check all the key points. It taught me how to look at something as an individual and how to compare two things together, and how to pick out the important standouts in a group of individuals.


Livestock judging makes a difference for me in my everyday life, and those skills I learned have helped me out in many situations such as in job interviews and in the college classroom. I use critical thinking and communication skills every single day, whether or not I am working with livestock on that given day.


FFA members, if you will commit to your contest team, give it your best and make the time to invest in your content, you will walk away with much more than just knowledge about that specific subjuect. Instead, you will walk away with practical tools that you can use in your everyday life, and that will help make you into the leader you are meant to be.

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Past State FFA Officer Reunion

Plans are well underway for the 90th Annual Missouri State FFA Convention, which will be held April 19 – 20, 2018 in Columbia, Mo.  As Missouri FFA celebrates this milestone of 90 years of making a positive difference in the lives of students, we are also excited to announce a special event for Past State FFA Officer Teams.  In the past, we have invited past officer teams to join us at State FFA Convention on their 5, 10, and 20 year reunions.  However, as State Staff, we have decided to focus this year on a larger gathering of past officers to help celebrate 90 years of Missouri FFA and to help you re-connect with your State Officer friends.

On Friday, April 20th, 2018 we will be hosting a Past State FFA Officer Reunion at the Columns Club, located within the east tower of Memorial Stadium on the University of Missouri Campus.  We have reserved this space and will kick-off the event at 3:00 p.m. with hors d’oeuvres and will have a short program at 4:30 p.m. to update you on Missouri FFA and the Missouri FFA Leadership Fund.  We would then invite you to join us at 5:30 p.m. at the Hearnes Center for the 4th Session of the 90th Missouri State FFA Convention.  Our hope is that you will be able to re-kindle old friendships and get a glimpse of how Missouri FFA has continued to expand to better serve our students and the agriculture industry. Additional/optional activities on April 20th that you may wish to participate in include:


  • FFA Career Show at the Hearnes Center Field House which runs from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
  • State FFA Officer & Parents gathering at 11:00 a.m. on the Hearnes Center Floor
  • Serving as a judge for the FFA Public Speaking competitions (contact Steven Rogers directly if you have an interest in this opportunity)


In addition to hosting this special event, we would also like to help re-connect you with each other and Missouri FFA.  Please take a couple of minutes to follow this link below where you will be asked to provide your contact information and RSVP for this event.  Not only will this help us with planning for your attendance, but will allow us to have a better database for contacting you in the future.


Please note, we are trying hard to reach as many past officers via email, however, our list of contact information is not complete.  If you have contact with your fellow past state officers, please share this information with them.


I hope you will be able to join us as we celebrate 90 years of Missouri FFA.





Steven Rogers

District Supervisor

Agricultural Education, Office of College and Career Readiness

Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education


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RISE: 90th Missouri FFA Convention

From special guest speakers to leadership workshops to the career show and career development event competition, FFA members from across the state will meet in Columbia, April 19-20 for the 90th Missouri FFA Convention.


Never give up. It’s a common phrase we often take for granted. But motivational speaker and Missouri native Carey Portell lives it every day. As she headlines this year’s state FFA Convention, Portell will inspire FFA members across the state to push their limits and, most importantly, never give up.


After Portell and her children were involved in a fatal drunk driving collision, she was left with partial disabilities, even after a four-year recovery. Connecting with agriculture and assisting on her family’s cattle operation has given Portell hope. She claims farm work as her physical and mental therapy.


Portell travels nationwide to share her story. Additionally, Portell shares how farming has given her a focus and a feeling of life again. She enlightens listeners with her sense of perseverance and persistence.


Themed “Rise,” this year’s state convention also features award presentations, career development events, workshops and the ever-popular FFA Career Show.


Missouri also welcomes National FFA Western Region Vice President Bryce Cluff of Queen Creek, Arizona, to the convention. Cluff credits the blue jacket as the foundation of his core values and beliefs.


“I often have seen my service-driven attitude come out in my everyday life,” Cluff said.


Hailing from an urban background, Cluff worried about creating a successful supervised agricultural experience program when he entered high school. On a whim, Cluff purchased a male Pekin duck from his local feed store. Quickly, he found passion and diversified his operation into a backyard full of poultry in every variety.


“I developed my business skills and learned how I could challenge myself to become a better agriculturist,” Cluff said.


“These skills and experiences have since translated into my life and have shaped me to be a successful student and employee.”


Cluff’s experiences in the National FFA Organization have inspired him to become an agriculture educator and FFA advisor in rural or Native American chapters. Throughout his year of service as a National FFA Officer, Cluff says he hopes to grow alongside FFA members from a wide variety of backgrounds.


In addition to these guest speakers, the 90th Annual Missouri FFA Convention will feature leadership workshops for members. The FFA Career Show also gives students and guests the chance to learn about agricultural businesses, organizations, colleges and universities and more. Additionally, Missouri FFA will recognize the State Star Farmer, State Star in Agribusiness and State Star in Placement as well as present more than 750 State FFA Degrees to deserving members statewide. More than 8,000 people are expected to be in Columbia at the University of Missouri Hearnes Center for the state’s largest FFA event.

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Celebrating FFA Week

FFA members across the state celebrated National FFA Week, Feb. 17-24. These state representatives and senators took time out of their schedules to join us.

Missouri FFA says “thank you” to all state legislators who support agriculture and FFA.

Pictured with their FFA jackets are:


Front row: Rep. Rusty Black, Chillicothe; Rep. Jeff Pogue, Salem; and Rep. Warren Love, Osceola.

Second row: Sen. Brian Munzlinger, Lewis County; Rep. Rick Francis, Perryville; Rep. Tom Hurst, Meta; and Rep. Jay Eggleston, Maysville.

Third row: Rep. Nate Walker, Kirksville; and Rep. Don Rone, Portageville.

Fourth row: Rep. Herman Morse, Dexter.

Fifth row: Rep. Bryan Spencer, Wentzville; and Rep. Allen Andrews, Grant City.

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Convention Advice

Mariah Fox, casual

Mariah Fox – 1st VP

Being a member of the Catholic church, one of the biggest events after the start of the new year is the beginning of the season of Lent. Members of the Catholic faith decide what they are giving up and what they are going to do better. When I was in high school, the beginning of Lent also had another strong meaning for me. When Lent began, that meant it was almost time for the annual Missouri FFA State Convention. The convention was the highlight of my year. Not only was I competing while in attendance, but I was also seeing old friends and making more memories in the blue jacket.


With the convention upon us, I want to give all of you FFA members three pieces of advice that I have found valuable over the years. First, get involved. There are so many activities at convention. Go to the career show, watch a session or even play a pre-convention game, but be involved at convention!


Second, do your best. Many of you have been prepping for convention for several months either on a Leadership Development Event, Career Development Event or in a proficiency area. When at the convention, do your best all the time. Show others that you put the time and effort into making your convention successful!


Finally, the third piece of advice is have fun! Convention happens only once each year. That’s why you must make the most of it while you’re there. Make new friends, compete against other FFA members and enjoy your time in the blue jacket.


Just like me, others experiencing the season of Lent challenged to do something better. Now FFA members, I challenge all of you to use these three pieces of advice while attending the up-coming state FFA convention and make the most of your time there. Convention is only two short months away! What are you going to do to make the most of the 90th Missouri FFA State Convention?

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I Won, I One

Elizabeth Knipp, casual

Elizabeth Knipp – VP

There’s only one game where players rival head-to-head, plan epic tactics and encode hidden obstacles: BATTLESHIP. This game is like no other and causes my sisters to go into complete competitive mode. As I sat on my grandma’s living room floor and watched a game unfold, I saw that Rosalee and Clara were in the midst of a classic heated battle as they maneuvered to try and outwit each other.


The game was headed toward the final showdown when all of a sudden Rosalee called out, “I won.”


Clara looked up at her and firmly stated, “No you didn’t, you haven’t sunk all of my ships!”


Rosalee looked up, smiled, and said again, “I won!” — proceeding with a firm “NO, you did not!!” from her irritated middle sister.


Slowly, for the last time, Rosalee stated, “I ONE, O-N-E!”


Clara finally understood what Rosalee meant, and everything became clear. She was no longer angry nor argued with Rosalee and resumed to play the game as she marked the ‘I one’ spot with her peg.


Oftentimes, these simple communication errors happen in our daily lives. Some are small, while others have damaging consequences. We think we are effectively communicating, when in reality our message is fuzzy, complicated and misunderstood. With the hustle and bustle of the spring semester — career development events, scholarship application deadlines and weather cancellations — the need for clear communication is essential. Every day, we need to be conscious of how we communicate to ensure we are relaying the correct message for others to hear.

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Missouri Agriscience Fair Set

FFA members interested in agriscience are invited to take part in the Missouri Agriscience Fair May 8 in Columbia. Projects must be preregistered by May 1.



Students may compete in no more than one group project and one individual project. If one student’s project is selected as the winner, that student must identify which project they will submit to the national competition. The non-chosen project will be recognized as runner-up and the second place project will be selected as the state winner. Schools may enter multiple projects in the same division and system.

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Leadership Opportunities Abound

Whether you’re an energetic Greenhand or a high school junior looking to step up your leaderhip game before graduation, Missouri FFA has two exciting opportunities for you.


Applications for HYMAX and HYPE leadership programs are both due March 1.


HYMAX — JUNE 15-17, 2018: Application due March 1, 2018


Helping Youth Maximize their Agricultural eXperience (HYMAX) 2018

Missouri FFA Agricultural Leadership Freshmen Academy


Click Here for Online Application


Are you a future leader in Agriculture, FFA, and your community? If you answered YES, the HYMAX Academy is for you! HYMAX is a youth leadership conference designed for promising ninth grade students to reach their full potential! These FFA members will be prepared for future leadership roles, agricultural career exploration, and advocacy for agriculture. In addition, you will gain key strategies for SAE development, written and verbal communication skills, and career development. Most importantly, you will bring home tools to help you and your chapter achieve greater success!


The HYMAX will further motivate Agricultural Education freshmen students during a weekend-long leadership conference. It will provide a foundation in agricultural leadership and prepare you to embrace agricultural and leadership opportunities throughout your high school career.


In 2018, the top FFA Greenhands (up to a maximum of 100 students) will be selected to participate in HYMAX through a competitive written application process. Advisors may nominate up to FOUR students (two girls and two boys) per chapter. Students need to submit a written application, academic transcript, and two letters of recommendation. One of the two letters must be from your Agricultural Education Teacher/FFA Advisor and the second from a community leader that knows you and your leadership experience. Academy members will experience this innovative agricultural leadership academy at the Missouri FFA Camp Rising Sun at the Lake of the Ozarks, June 15-17, 2018. A participant fee of $30 will provide lodging, meals, leadership materials, and Academy T-Shirt.


All applications must be submitted to the Missouri FFA office by March 1, 2018. There are five parts to the written application: 1) information and signatures, 2) student narratives, 3) Ag Educator/FFA Advisor recommendation, 4) community leader recommendation, and 5) high school academic transcript. Please make sure that the information is correct on the applications, especially e-mail address. Students will be contacted prior to attending HYMAX using this e-mail address.


  • FFA members will be notified of selection by April 2, 2018.
  • Registration fee will be due by May 15, 2018.


Sponsored by the Missouri Corn Checkoff


June 26-28, 2018

Application Due March 1, 2018


Are you a future leader in agriculture, FFA and your community?

Are you ready to be an active member of the agricultural community and tell the agriculture story? If you answered YES, the HYPE Academy is for you! HYPE is a youth leadership conference designed to challenge and equip the

TOP 30 incoming high school senior FFA members to be advocates for agriculture.


What is HYPE?

These 30 FFA members will receive hands‐on experiences to prepare them to communicate, lead and advocate for the agricultural Industry. In addition, you will gain strategies to continue strengthening your knowledge base in agricultural issues, sharpen your written and verbal communication skills and spark potential career interests.

Most importantly, you will bring home tools to help you and other members in your FFA chapter tell the agriculture story!


When, Where, and Why HYPE?

The HYPE Academy will challenge 30 Agricultural Education students during an intensive three‐day academy June 26‐28, 2018. Held at the University of Missouri‐Columbia, HYPE will build on other important FFA leadership conferences you have participated in up to this point. Expect this leadership experience to be a hands‐on, engaging academy that will provide you skills to communicate, lead and advocate for the agricultural industry.


How do you Apply?

In 2018, the top 30 entering high school seniors in 2018‐19 will be selected to participate in HYPE through a competitive written application process. Students need to submit a written application with five narrative responses, academic transcript, FFA member activity form, and three letters of recommendation. One letter must be from your Agricultural Education Teacher/FFA Advisor, the second from a school administrator (superintendent or principal), and the third from a community leader that knowsyou and your leadership experience.


All applications must be submitted to the Missouri FFA office no later than March 1, 2018.

There are six parts to the written application: 1) information and signatures, 2) student narratives, 3) Ag Educator/FFA Advisor recommendation, 4) community leader recommendation, 5) FFA member activity form and 6) high school academic transcript.


Please make sure that the information is correcton the application. Students will be contacted prior to attending The HYPE Academy using submitted e‐mail address. FFA members will be notified of selection by April 2, 2018.

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State Officers Address Missouri General Assembly

For the last 27 years, our state FFA president has had the honor of addressing the Missouri House of Representatives.  The theme of this year’s speech was Growing Leaders, Building Communities, and Strengthening Agriculture.

A Facebook Live post of your Missouri state FFA officers singing the National Anthem in the Whispering Gallery also took place on Mon., Feb. 5.  Missouri FFA is proud and honored to share that this video has generated more than 157,000 views and was picked up by Todd Starnes of Fox News that same afternoon. Check out the video on our Missouri FFA Facebook page. Other news on the annual Legislative Day can also be found there as well.

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The One You Feed

Sydnee Mason, casual

Sydnee Mason – Secretary

When I was a little girl, one of my favorite things to do was listen to my dad tell stories. I would sit cross-legged on the deep freezer in the corner of his meeting room and listen while he motivated and inspired college rodeo athletes from across the country. Not much has changed since those days — the stories are the same and the only differences are the athletes in his program. I still love to listen to these honest, tried and true tales. One of my favorites is the following old Cherokee legend: Two Wolves.


An old Cherokee is teaching his grandson about life. “A fight is going on inside me,” he said to the boy.

“It is a terrible fight and it is between two wolves. One is evil — he is anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority and ego. The other is good — he is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion and faith.”

He continued, “Sometimes, it is hard to live with these two wolves inside me, for both of them try to dominate my spirit. The same fight is going on inside you — and every other person, too.”

The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather, “Which wolf will win?”

The old Cherokee simply replied, “The one you feed.”

Embracing the changes and endless possibilities that 2018 promises to bring might seem like a daunting task. Hopefully, we have all settled into those familiar routines of school, chores and homework by now, and we are ready to tackle whatever the second semester has in store. FFA members, let’s remember the wise words of the Cherokee grandfather. Whether we’re studying for a Career Development Event, memorizing our speeches for spring contest or simply investing ourselves in the Ag classroom, let’s pledge to feed the good wolf in 2018.




“Two Wolves” Cherokee Legend sourced from:


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Footprints in the Snow

Elise Bailey, casual

Elise Bailey – VP

January has arrived and so has the snow. When I look out my window at a field of freshly fallen snow, it makes me want to freeze that landscape in time. I know in a couple of days that this field will not have perfect untouched snow on the ground; instead footprints will market its perfectness.


When I take a step in the unblemished snow, I quickly realize that every step I take will show. This image is a good reminder for us in life. The paths we make and the destinations that we reach are evident to those watching simply by the steps that we take.


As I look back on my trek through the snow, it is clear to see not only the distance that I have traveled, but also where my journey began.


Whether in our FFA careers, our educational adventures, or our journeys in life, this image holds a powerful meaning. It is important to be reminded that others are watching, and maybe even following, in the path that we’ve paved. At the end of the day, it is imperative that we look back on the lengths we have traveled and recognize the place where our journey commenced.


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